Papercut style flat art is easy with Clipstudio




Hello everyone. The holiday season is coming and maybe you’re thinking of card ideas in a minimalistic style. Let’s try making flat art in a papercut style!! It’s very charming and easy to make with Clipstudio!!

My tutorial is also friendly for beginner, if you are fairly new to clipstudio you can just follow step-by-step and have fun making artwork!!! :3

Video tutorial

The paper cut art concept

Let’s think on how to make the art look papercut. Here is a quick guide, so you can get the idea on how it works and keep it in mind for the reference:


The concept of papercut art is cutting papers and combining it on the canvas.


The thickness of paper will create a shadow and add dimension to the art without any lines being needed.


Folding or rolling the paper will make a shadow or gradient effect.

And since it’s paper, you can also add details with a pen or marker.

Let's move onto clipstudio!

Part 1 : Drawing papercut parts

Let’s start by sketching the art and paint the color guide

(try to make it as clean as possible, so the process is easier)

Export into a PNG image [File > Export(Single layer)>.PNG]

I will put this sketch in the Sub View Panel to use as a reference and color palette


If you don’t have Sub View panel, you can openl it from [Window > Sub View]


Import the sketch to the Sub View Panel by clicking on the import icon on the bottom of the panel


You can dock the Sub View Panel to the side panel by dragging the header of the panel and putting it where you want (I dock it on bottom right)

On the bottom of Sub View, you can toggle the color picker mode to pick the color from the image

(If color picker mode is toggled off, the Sub View will become movable)


Merge the sketch layers and reduce the opacity


Create a new vector layer by clicking on [New Vector layer] icon on layer panel

I use the [Milli pen] from Marker tab from the Pen sub tool to create the outline

In the tool property panel, click on the reset icon on the bottom-right corner to reset the tool


Then click on the [sub tool detail] icon to open the sub tool detail popup

On the correction tab, check on [Vector magnet] and set the value to maximum

When you draw closed-shapes on the vector layer the ink will be automatically connected

With vector layers, you can easily edit the shape with [Control point] in Correction line sub tool

Let’s start making the shape for our drawing, pick the color by clicking on the sketch in the Sub View panel (make sure it’s in colorpicker mode)

Draw the shape with the [Milli Pen] on the vector layer

Tips : Adjust the stabilization to draw smoother lines

You don't have to keep redrawing the line if it’s not up to satisfaction you, use the [Simplify] tool from the Correct line sub tool to simplify the line


Make sure the [Process whole line] option is checked,


Then you can just drag it over on the line and it will reduce the number of control points

Use the [Control point] tool with [Add control point] mode to adjust the line

(set it in tool property panel)


I recommend using [Add control point] mode because you can click on the blank area on the line to add more control points or click on control points to move it without switching to [Move control point] mode


When finished, drag the vector layer to the [New Layer Folder] icon to put it in a folder

(or [Ctrl+g])


In Sub Tool Fill, select [Refer other layers] tool

On the [Refer multiple] option, set it to [Folder]


And checked [Fill up to vector path]

Create a new raster layer in the folder and fill the shape with color

With the option [Fill up to vector path] the color will be filled to middle of the vector line no matter how thick the line is, this simply removes the problem of white gaps between ink and color without the need of setting value in [Area scaling]

[Optional] double click on the folder and edit the name to avoid confusion

I recommend setting color to the layer folder, separate by part groups(with the same color fill on layers)

For example : hair, skin, body

The first part is done! Collapse the folder.

There is repetition progress for each parts of the image


Draw shapes on the vector layer > Put the layer in a folder > Create new raster layer > Fill color


I will save my time with [Auto Action] feature



Create a new auto auction and set the name for action set


After you draw a shape, you have to repeat the steps of

  • adding it to folder

  • create a raster layer in a folder to fill color.


Draw shape on vector layer and then start recording the repeat progress


Click on record icon


Important! : do not change the active layer by clicking on the layer panel.

Use the menu bar to avoid mistakes.


[now it is recording]


Add the active layer to a folder

[Layer > Create folder and insert layer]


(You can see the active layer is changed to the folder, not the vector layer)

Create a new raster layer (the active layer will be switch to new created layer)

[optional] bring the raster layer under the vector layer


Go to [Layer > Layer Order> Down]


The raster layer will be under the vector layer

Stop recording, you will see the steps appear on the panel

[Recording finished]



To use the action : Create a new vector and draw the shape

Then click the [Play] button (make sure the action set is selected correctly)

One click and the folder structure is ready!!

You can instantly fill the shape with the fill tool, because the active layer is already the raster layer for filling color

For some parts such as the eyes and mouth, I will simply paint it with the pen tool, so i redraw the sketch on the top layer so as not to have it overlapped by the other parts

Repeat the step for the rest of the parts

Tips : There are some parts that have the same color and overlap each other, click on the folder and set the border in [Layer Property] panel to make it easy to see while working.

(This effect must be removed later)


Tips : When drawing outlines with color from a sketch image, sometimes it’s hard to see because it blends to the background

Draw with the color that’s easier to see instead

Select [Object] tool from the subtool Operation and click on Sub View to pick the color


Part 2 : Apply papercut effect

Now it’s time for the most fun part!!


I’ve made the auto action for the papercut effect


Download the action

The downloaded asset will appear in Materials Downloaded panel

Drag the downloaded action to Auto action panel

To use this Auto Action, you must select a layer folder that collapsed

Select the layer folder and play the Auto Action

This action will add a paper cut effect to the layer folder

On the layer panel, you will see the layer folders are added into a new folder (Through mode) with highlights and shadow layers

[Optional] I renamed and set the layer palette color on it too, and collapsed it

Repeat the steps with all the parts.


[Important!] Don’t forget to remove the layer effect on some parts (border) before applying the auto action

For eyes and other small details, I painted it with [Textured pen] on the top layer

Now you have super easy papercut style art!!

Note : if you want to edit parts after the Auto action progress, you have to press [Ctrl+z] many many times.


You can just bring the original layer folder out from the folder

And delete the folder that are made by Auto Action


When you finish the editing, you can apply the Auto Action again

Part 3 : Final touch

In this part, we need to add some adjustments onto some layer individually


Even after we named the layer folders and colored it, if the image is in big detail, it takes some time to find the layer


I use [Select layer] tool in Operation subtool and click on the part to select it


The color filled layer will be actived and the layer folder is expanded

The folder is found!! Now let’s improve the result with these techniques!!



[[Add more shadows]]

Adding more shadows under the parts is very easy


Moving the shadow layer will easily make different amounts of shadow


Select the shadow layer, and move it with the [Move layer] tool

Make sure [Move the object at clicked position] is unchecked


[[Add a bit of the gradient effect]]

Create an easy gradient effect with the airbrush


Select the part group and create a new raster layer above the original part folder

Clip the new layer with the folder

Use the [Soft] airbrush tool from subtool Airbrush

pick color that's a bit darker and paint on the clipped layer

Repeat it on overlapped parts


The result is more charming now ^_^



[[Final touch with paper texture]]

This is my most favorite process!!! Let’s give our entire artwork a paper look in 3 second!!


I use the watercolor texture from this material from Clipstudio Asset


(They’re my favorite!)


Put all the layer into one folder

Select all the layers and press [Ctrl+g] or drag it to the folder icon to group it


Drag the watercolor material from Material downloaded panel and put it above the folder

Adjust material to coverage the entire art, and change the mode to [Color Burn]

You can copy the layer to give it a bit darker effect

Clip it to the layer folder so the effect only appears on the layer folder, and not appear on the background

I also add a watercolor material from the pack on the background


and it's DONE!!

I hope this gives you an idea for your flat style art!! See you in the next tutorial!!


