[Keyframe Transformation] Learn Object Rotation in 1 Minute!





Hi, I am Bebekiki. In this tutorial, I will show you how to animate object rotation using keyframe transformation in just 1 minute.

App Version

I am using CSP Tablet Version on my 11 inches tablet with pen.



Let's Start

- Create Timeline

Open CSP and create a new file. Import or create an object that you want to animate. Click Window -> Timeline to show the timeline window.

Click New Timeline to create a new timeline.

Enter the details of the timeline (e.g. Frame rate, Playback time, etc.) of your animation and click OK. In this case, a timeline of 10 frames will be created.

- Enable Keyframe on Selected Layer

Select the layer that you want to animate. Click Enable keyframe on this layer and the layer is then enabled for keyframe transformation.

- Add Keyframe to Start and End Frame

Click the + sign and the > sign to expand the transformation menu. Click on Rotate and go to frame 1. Click Add Keyframe and frame 1 is changed to a keyframe.

Go to frame 10 and click Add Keyframe. Frame 10 is then changed to a keyframe like frame 1.

- Rotate Clockwise

Click on the keyframe sign on frame 10. Go to the top right hand corner of the object. Drag and rotate the object to the right and stop at any position you like.

- Play Animation

Go to frame 1 and click Play/Stop to play the animation. The object will rotate clockwise gradually (to the position that you have set in frame 10) when the timeline plays from frame 1 to frame 10.



See my next tips ([Keyframe Transformation] 360 Degree Rotation in 1 Minute!) to learn how to rotate object in 360 degree (clockwise and anti-clockwise).



- Enable Looping

Click Loop Play to enable or disable the looping effect.

- Rotate Anti-clockwise

Click on the keyframe sign on frame 10. Go to the top left hand corner of the object. Drag and rotate the object to the left.



Go to frame 1 and click Play/Stop to play the animation. The object will rotate anti-clockwise gradually (to the position that you have set in frame 10) when the timeline plays from frame 1 to frame 10.

Full YouTube Tutorial

Check out the YouTube clip below for a complete tutorial on object rotation using keyframe transformation in 1 minute.


Thanks for reading/watching!





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