Drawing Military Uniforms (man and woman) - Video






Hi, I'm Suret and this time I bring you some tips on how to make military uniforms


We will start by creating our canvas, go to the File / new label, choose the size and click OK


Blocks, Sketch and Proportions

To make our uniforms we first draw our character or subject of the desired size

For that we will guide ourselves using the number of heads so that it is served to us.

Whether you are going to do just the clothes or the whole character, I recommend this way.


Here you can see the drawing in blocks and where each part of the body is located, depending on how tall your character is.


I have done it on paper, as you will know I do not have a digitizing tablet

But there are those who still prefer to do so; well, it's everyone's taste.


So, this guy is 6 heads tall.

Parts of the Uniform (Man)

Line Art elaborate it with the ¨Figure¨ tool and its different options


Now we will see the parts of the military uniform (Men - Woman)

ACU (Army Combat Uniform )

1. ACU Rank Patch

2. ACU Nametapes

3. Flag Patch

4. Unit Patches, Skills Tabs and recognition devices

5. ACU Jacket

6. ACU Pants

7. Sand Color T-shirts

8. ACU Branch Tapes

9. Skills Tapes

10. Unit Patches and recognition devices

11. ACU Rank Patch

12. Boots


We already have our line art ready, to place the image material.

We select the area we want with the "magic wand" tool and then, we go to the materials menu and write the word of the material we want

in this case it will be ¨comouflage¨, we see in the results and choose the one that is useful to us and drag to the area we chose.


We can rotate or resize to our liking



Here I will leave the link for this specific material


We can import a reference image to take the colors of the uniform.

To make a new color palette, we go to color set, edit color set,

We click on "Add new settings" and write the name of our palette and click OK

then with the eyedropper we take the color and right click on a section of our palette and we click on add color or on the buttons in the lower right corner


Then we select our material layer and head to the layer properties.

Activate the "layer subcolor" and apply the darkest color in the first box and the lightest color in the second

With this procedure we apply the rest of our uniform

We create a folder for our material layers.

Always remember to work in order, name layers, folders, etc. This will make your job easier and if you have helpers they will thank you very much.


To place the name we use the Text tool and left click on the area we want.

We write the name and adjust the size, color and font.

We will continue to apply the patches and badges.

An easy way is to import images or photographs that you have taken yourself.

We will go to the File / Import / Image menu

Remember to save the images in PNG format so that the background that was deleted is transparent

We place our image in the indicated area, we use the selection tool to edit or move it.


To give you the correct perspective we go to the menu: Edit / Transform / Free transformation.

And we adjust our image

To apply the colors of the rest of our work we create a folder we drag the Line Art layer to this folder

We create a new raster layer

With the "Fill" tool and the "refer to other layers" option, we color.

It is recommended to apply the color in different layers according to the different areas


Now we will apply the shadows

For that we go to the folder where our material layers are

We create a new raster layer on top of the material layer to be shaded

And we click on the option "Fit to bottom layer"

This will allow us to paint without leaving the area of ​​the layer



We paint the skin, use the magic wand and fill tool.

We do it in a new layer

To make the shadows that are projected on the ground we choose the tool: Selection / Ellipse

We make the selection according to the size of the shadow we want and fill it with the tool: Gradient / Sleeve gradient

For the floor and the background we use the tool: Selection / Rectangle

To finish we are going to give some color to our Line Art.

By right clicking we duplicate the layer ...


Block the transparent pixels.

And ready!!!

Beginning: Women's Suit


Now we will continue with the doctors' gala uniform.

The procedure is practically the same.


Blocks, Sketch and Proportions


We start with our block drawing

You can see where each part of the body is located

Then we dress our character and for that we will also see where each part of the uniform is located

Parts of the Suit

1. Country Brooch

2. Shoulder Board, Rank Badge

3. Branch Badge

4. Name Plate

5. Division Brooch

6. Suit

7. Long Sleeve Shirt

8. Skirt

9. Bowtie

10. Badge

11. Ribbons

12. Heeled Shoes


Let's paint ...

To apply the white color, we are going to "layer properties"

select ¨layer color¨ and apply a striking color in ¨subcolor¨

apply the white and remove ¨coat color¨


We place the badges, brooches, ribbons, etc.

We use the "Airbrush" tool and "Blur" for shadows ...



We make the bottom and the ground

We color Line Art, we adjust details

And finished !!!

I hope it helped you, and thanks for watching the tutorial.

See you next time.



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