The best workspace for Webcomics! [Pro & EX]




Hello! I am InfamousDanie, I am a Mexican illustrator and graphic designer and today I want to show you how I organize my work area to make my webtoon "Mi Hija, La Catrina".

I will show you how I organized myself when I had the PRO version and how I organize myself now that I have the EX version.

General Area (PRO & EX)

First of all, you always have to seek to have as much space as possible but with the necessary tools always in sight.

On the left side (1) we have the basic tools. Brushes, rulers, selection, etc.


In the right column, is where we start to have our artistic freedoms:


(2) SUB VIEW: Knowing about this tool has changed my life. It allows you to have the references you need from all your characters.


If you don't have it, go to Window> Sub view

Make sure you have the eyedropper turned on, so every time you hover your mouse in that window, it will automatically turn into that tool and you can copy the specific color you are looking for. As you can see in the example, I have all the colors that are needed for my character, including the color of the shadows.


We have other tools (3) that can be useful in certain cases, but since they are not 100% necessary, I minimize them in the bar. In that bar are:


Layer Property: Allows you to put certain characteristics to the drawing of a layer.

Auto Action: Effects for your illustrations

Color History & Color Sets


You may notice that I do not have the chromatic circle in sight and it is that having the default color tool is more than enough (in my opinion), since if you double click on a box you will be able to see the circle and put the necessary color. This is to save space, but if you want you can put it.

Recommended tools (PRO & EX)

The "navigator" allows you to view your entire file, which is very useful since I work with a very long one so I can see the spaces between the panels while drawing with a lot of zoom.


It also gives you the option to flip your file horizontally or vertically without actually affecting it.


If you don't have it: Window> "Navigator"

Materials allow you to export 3D models, textures, and more. I have it in the same part as the navigator and I use it for a material that has helped me a lot:

This ruler allows you to find the center of your file, plus it has rulers in perfect diagonals depending on the size of your file. It helps me a lot to center texts and images, I highly recommend it!

General Area [EX]

When you open your comic file, it will appear on the left side of your entire workspace. By zooming in on that area, you can use it like the browser tool we saw in the section above and you can view the spaces in each panel.

The Story Editor allows you to write all your dialogues so that they are organized in a single file. It also allows you to easily change a dialog to another page without leaving your file.


Here's how it worked without Story Editor:

A tutorial that explains how to use Story Editor perfectly:

PRO vs EX workspace



Thank you very much for reading, if it helped, leave a like and if you want a comment. Follow me on my social networks: @infamousdanie



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