Use of mesh transformation when drafting, coloring 3 steps, and not dividing layers




Are there times when you want to draw a character's face, but it doesn't come to mind?

Are you tired of redrawing a picture you don't like?


Without erasing the picture, it is possible to use the existing image using mesh transformation.


From now on, from the draft stage to the final stage of coloring, I will introduce a method that can solve both of these by using intermediate mesh deformation.

1. Draw multiple characters with one image in the Ruf sketch

1. Draw horizontally and vertically on a new layer.

 It helps to understand the change of direction when the face is transformed.

2. Add a new layer and draw the face without the pupils.


Expressionless, closed eyes, smiling and angry faces are all possible.


Note: Be sure to draw without the pupils!!

3. Use the eraser tool to arrange the cross layer close to the face image you drew.

4. Select both the face layer and the cross layer.

Hold down the Face layer, press the Shift key, and click the Cross layer to select all of them.

5. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] at the top of the menu. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

When mesh transformation is activated, a mesh is created throughout the image.

The 16 small squares are grid points that can move the lines of the image.

Grid points can be increased up to 10 horizontally and vertically in the left tool property.


In the sketching stage, make the grid points as small as possible.

From the point of coloring, increase the grid points as necessary.


Since we are in the sketching stage, we will make the grid points 4 horizontally and 4 vertically.


Before that, I will combine the face layer and cross layer into one.

Select both layers, right-click and click Combine Selected Layers.

6. Transform the image by moving the grid points freely.

7. Move the grid point to transform it and click OK.


8. Create a new layer on top of the transformed layer and make a clear sketch.

Use the mesh transformation tool to try various things with one image.

2. Make the face direction with the mesh transformation tool

1. The face of the Red Panda in the front.


We are going to transform the face in front to look to the right using mesh transformation.


For better understanding, the horizontal red line and the vertical blue line were separated, and the right side of the face was filled with gray.

2. Select the image you want to transform and click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation].

The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


3. Move the grid points so that the vertical line (blue) curves to the right like a bow to see the right side.


4. Move the rightmost grid points to the left so that the gray area on the right is reduced by the amount of the vertical line bent to the right.

5. After finishing the transformation, click OK and add a new layer on the transformed image to draw a clear sketch.


Instead of drawing as it is based on the existing transformed image, I tried drawing by raising the eyebrows.

6. Try making a face looking upwards with the same image. For better understanding, the lower canal of the face was filled in gray.


This time, move the grid points so that the horizontal (red) line is bowed upwards.


When the face is looking up, the forehead is narrow and the lower canal is wide. Therefore, move the grid points to narrow the upper part of the face and wider the lower canal.

7. When the transformation is complete, click OK and create a new layer on the transformed layer to make a clear sketch. Based on the deformed layer, I will draw the eyebrows down this time.

If only one direction is always drawn, try transforming it boldly using mesh transformation!

3. Using mesh transformation in 30-50% coloring

This time, let's use the mesh transformation while coloring.


1.Color 30-50% (base color)

2. 50~80% of coloring (contrast and texture expression)

3. Coloring 80~95% (details and highlights)

Let's see how to use it in each step.


Note: The better the layer is divided by the structure of the face, the easier it is to modify when using the mesh transformation tool.

Current coloring 30-50% (base color) level

-It is recommended to divide the layers by structure rather than by dividing the layers by the main color used.

-Be sure to divide eyes as much as eyes-eyes-white.

1. Draw the pupil and white layer separately.

When I click on the eye layer and move it around, it's not inside the whites.

2. With the eye layer selected, click on the icon above the layer window on the right.

Click'Clip at Layer Below'.


Let’s move the pupils again.

You can see that even if you move the pupil layer outside the whites, the pupils do not go out of the way.


The eye is the part that is most affected by the angle compared to other parts. Please share!.

3. Select all layers except the pupil layer and click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation].

The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

4. Add the number of grid points in the left tool property

Move the grid point so that the vertical line (blue) bends to the left so that the'overall direction' of the face looks'left'.

5. Click on the pupil layer and press Ctrl+t to move it to the desired location and click OK.


6. This time, press the eye line layer, hold down Ctrl, select only two white copy layers, and click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation]. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


7. Increase the number of grid points in the left tool property and adjust the grid points placed on the image.

8. Click on the white lower layer

Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation]. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


Again, increase the number of grid points in the left tool property

Move the grid points on the image to adjust it.

It changed the direction and expression of the overall face.

9. Increases color density. Always draw while making sure that you are painting on the layer that corresponds to the area you are drawing.


10. Click the white lower tube layer and press the left selection tool (L) to draw the part to be erased with the lasso tool and press the Delete key.

11. Add a new layer to draw the tongue.

12. I drew up to 50~80% of the coloring.



-Be sure to divide the layers by structure, but draw the eyes by dividing them into eyes-eye-white layers

Clip the pupil layer to the white layer.


-Make the overall direction of the face (right, left, top, bottom) first, and then perform detailed transformations (eye position, shape by structure).


-Divide the layers by structure and start painting in earnest.

4. Using mesh transformation in the 50~80% level of coloring

From now on, the texture and details of the image are contained to some extent.

We are going to change it from now to a crying with a wide open mouth.


1. Click the eye icon on the left side of the layer window so that only the eye-related layers are not visible.


2. Click the top layer, hold down the Shift key, and click the bottom layer to select all of them.


3. Press the Ctrl key to deselect only the eye-related layers by clicking on them.

4. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation]. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

Increase the number of grid points on the left as needed, and move the generated grid points to transform the overall direction of the face to look to the left.

5. Select the eyebrow and ear layers for the detailed transformation of the eyebrows.


In this state, when the mesh is transformed, the ears are included.

Select only the part to be transformed using the lasso tool and click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation].

The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


Add the number of grid points on the left as needed

Adjust the position of the eyebrows by moving the grid points on the image.

6. Select the chin layer and press Ctrl + T to move it down and press OK.

7. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation]. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

Adjust the number of grid points on the left to transform the shape of the jaw into the desired shape and click OK.

8. Turn on and select the layer related to the eye that was turned off for a while

Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation]. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


Even the width of the tongue, which was small, is enlarged by clicking on the layer and using the mesh transformation.

9. Add a new layer and draw tears.

10. Add a new layer to express the sparkle of tears.

11. Add a new layer to further describe the tongue.


Up to this point, I've finished coloring up to 80-90% of the picture.


(Summary of important points)

-Always add a new part and separate the layers by adding a new layer each time you draw.

-The overall direction of the face is determined first, followed by detailed transformations.

-When using a brush, draw while making sure that the part you are drawing is not drawn on a layer on another part.


Let's see how it changed.

5. Using mesh deformation in more than 80~95% pictures

In this state, we will re-mesh with a smile.

Copy the entire folder where the crying expression was completed before that

Renamed the copied folder to Face level 3 smile face.

First, let's change the direction of the character's face.


1. Open the folder and make sure that all layers related to the character's eyes are not visible.

Select all layers except those layers.


2. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] at the top of the menu. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


3. In the left tool property, increase the grid point as necessary and adjust the grid points.

Adjust the vertical blue line to bend to the right and click OK.

Now that the face is oriented, I will use the lasso tool to transform the details.

4. Press the layer with the area you want to edit. I will correct the eyebrows.

5. Among the left selection tools, use the lasso tool to make the left eyebrow a selection area.

6. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] at the top of the menu. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

In the left tool property, increase the grid point as needed, transform it, and click OK.

7. Create a selection area with the lasso tool by clicking on the layer with parts that need to be partially transformed.

Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] to move the grid points to transform them. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

8. Lastly, make all the layers related to the character's eyes that were turned off invisible, select only the layer and click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation]. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


As the angle of the face shifts from the front to the side, there is a big change in the eyes.

9. With the eye-related layer still selected, use the lasso tool to create a separate selection area on the left and right, and deform the mesh.


10. Click on the pupil layer to position it.

11. Click on the eye layer to draw the eye line.

12. Let's change the eye color.

Click the eye layer and click [Edit-Hint Correction-Color Balance] at the top of the menu.

Move the cursor to the left or right to see which color to add to the color of the image and click OK.

13. Click on the layer on which the bottom of the character's face is drawn and mesh transform to adjust the image once more.

14. Add a new layer to draw the light expression of the eyes and the beard around the nose.


Always increase the density of the picture and express highlights with light or thin lines at the end of the coloring stage, and be sure to draw on a new layer.

15. Click [Edit-Hue Correction-Tone Curve] at the top of the menu to correct the hue of the character's face color.

You can freely modify the dark and light of the picture as you like by adjusting the curve of the graph.

The picture is finished. It is easy to correct because the layers are separated by face

In particular, when using mesh transformation, time was also saved and image transformation was easy.


So far, I have transformed in three stages: the first transformation at 30% of coloring, the second transformation at the level of 50% or more of coloring, and the third transformation at 80 to 90% or more of coloring.


The common point of each step was to set the overall orientation of the face first and then adjust the details.

6. How to use mesh deformation when layers are not divided.

I didn't divide the layers, and I even drew almost all of them.


Let's explain by making an extreme example.

If you look to the right, you can see the layers of the current picture.

Yes. All images are neatly in one layer.

1. Copy the original layer and move it down

To make the copied layer invisible, tap the left eye icon to turn it off.


2. Select the original layer.

3. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] at the top of the menu. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

4. In the left tool property, increase the number of grid points to the maximum.

5. Transform the generated grid points by moving them.


Lower the nose and raise the eyebrows. When I lowered my nose, the character's eyes were automatically enlarged.

The image at grid points 10 and 10 is not broken, but fine adjustments are required to reach the desired image.


I’ll select the lasso tool and adjust the eyebrows first

If the layers are not divided, the problem will arise from now on.


6. Click the original layer and use the lasso tool of the selection tool to make the part to be transformed into a selection area.

7. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] at the top of the menu. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

When I raised the eyebrows using the grid points, there was an empty space in the image.

8. Click the left eye icon to reveal the layer copied below.


The empty space of the original layer was filled by the copy layer below,

The cut marks are visible and the grain direction of the hair is different.


9. Select the copied layer and transform the mesh.

[Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] at the top of the menu, shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.


Move the grid points so that the copied image fills the empty space as naturally as possible.

10. Add a new layer and put it on top.

11. Correct the transformed part with the brush.

12. Press the original layer again to transform the details around the nose.

13. Use the lasso tool of the left selection tool (L) to make the part to be transformed into a selection range.

14. Click [Edit-Transform-Mesh Transformation] at the top of the menu. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+T.

15. In the left tool property, add and transform grid points as needed.


There is a copy layer below, so the empty space of the image due to mesh deformation is filled.

However, if you zoom in closely, the hairs are cut off.

16. Add a new layer again, put it on top, and use the brush tool to connect the broken hair.

Even the original image could be transformed with mesh transformation.


However, there was a clear difference in the time and difficulty required for editing.


Make sure to separate and organize the layers so that everyone can draw fun!.

I hope this video was helpful. Thank you.



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