THEME2 How to use 3D material




How to make a 3DTHEME material into my work

Open CLIpstudio to download 3D MoDel Picture, 3D material modeling, you will get the material you want. In this case, I chose the station as the background picture.



Open the layer Layer (L) and press the LT conversion layer here. The layer is LT conversion in front of me, and the LT conversion will be a three-dimensional image into a black, white and gray image.








Choose the pattern to choose the components that are composed: squares, hearts, clubs, and spades to choose from. There are many choices for you to choose. That is the basic original, which constitutes the UNIT CELL of your painting.



Modulate the depth of the background.








3. The luminosity will decrease after the density is increased. Stop all the values in the middle and you are done.





There is only one picture, this is Lucifer.























Export the picture, put the essence of the movie, Select the flat image export, select the PNG file.






Choose a new file name, for example, file 2, and open the 3D material created at the beginning

Copy the picture and layer on the 3D material, and paste the tool on the screen.




Use the function of FREE transform to modify the position and size of the picture.


Put him on the train and it's done.

What kind of experience is that? That is to put people on the train and then turn off the layer





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