Make data for Live2D with CLIP STUDIO PAINT 【Part 1】





[1] Data format that can be taken smoothly from CLIP STUDIO PAINT to Live2D



It is a standard model of drawing application with features optimized for illustration and artwork creation.


It is also a paint tool that can produce manga expressions and short animation clips.

Characteristic points are listed below.


· Function to draw better

· Enhanced support for drawing efficiently

· Easy to clean finish

· Can express manga

· Anime expression is also possible

· The range of artwork can be expanded

· Effective for design work

· There is also support for bookkeeping


▼ Main functions of CLIP STUDIO PAINT



■ What is Live2D?


What is Live2D in the first place?

Live2D is a proprietary expression technique that allows you to move 2D images such as illustration, manga, animation, etc. stereoscopically while maintaining the unique shape and style of 2D.


Like 3D, you do not need to model, there is no need to draw illustrations as many as cell animation!

All you need is data divided by parts!

In other words, if you can draw a picture, you can move it in three dimensions!


▼ What is Live2D (official website)




■ Part dividing?


When moving illustrations in Live2D, you can not move three-dimensionally like a 3D picture with a single picture.

However, if you disassemble a single picture with CLIP STUDIO PAINT and divide it by parts it will be possible!

However…! There are some notes on the part division, and know-how etc. exist.


Then, I will explain what kind of data is actually good.


[2] Layer structure

I will explain the procedure about the part division of illustration for clipstudio though quickly.



■ A: It's best to split this alone! Parts to be separated


First of all it is the body.

· Hair (forelock right · center · left, back hair)

· Contour

Ear (right / left)


Face (described later)

· Waist upper part

Arm (right / left)

· Leg (right / left)

· (If you have) hat

· (Behind) clothes behind


If at least this is about, and you intend to make small movements, you will need to divide your arms by joints, such as dividing your arms under your arms and elbows.

※ This time, I divide under the arm of the right arm, under the elbow.


Next is the face that I mentioned as (later described).

I think this is easy to make natural movements when divided.



Eye (eyelash / eyelid / eyes / white eyes)


Mouth (upper / lower mouth / teeth / mouth)



■ B: Before entering parts division ...


Once you know where to cut it, divide the parts quickly!


Before that ...!


If the size of the illustration is large, if you reduce it in advance, the work becomes comfortable, so let's check the size.


If you are viewing on a big screen, there is no problem even if you keep big data, but with illustrations like this time to use, it is okay with a horizontal width of 1000px if it is on the PC or smartphone.



■ C: Let's divide body parts


Thank you for waiting.

Finally I will carry out part division.


This time I will explain it as a work in the case of using an illustration that is combined into a single layer.

Let's split the parts other than face parts first.



(1) Roughly enclose the part you want to cut by selecting polygonal line.

Let's cut out from things that are likely to be cut easily, such as hats.


【POINT place of selection tool such as polygonal line is here! 】

(2) After enclosure, adjust the shape of the selected area using the selection pen or selective erase.

(3) Let's create a mask with that selection range when it is adjusted to a certain extent.

Then, I think you can see that the parts you wanted to cut off seem to be cut off securely. ... (Kanna Jimbo) (a) Layers)

【Let's check the settings of POINT anti-aliasing! 】

If you leave the default setting, the boundary line may jaggie so if you set the border smoothly with anti-alias setting and cut it, it will be natural finish.

(4) Next time, copy the layer with the mask added and reverse the color of the mask. ... (Kanade Kanana (b) Layer)

Let's hide once you do not invert (a layer) once you go so far.

Looking at layer b, you can see the remaining parts that are not carved.

(5) Duplicate one layer (b layer) of black-and-white reversed mask (one with a lot of white area). ... (Copy layer of (b) with Jinbo Kana)

(6) Let's create a selection range for the part you want to cut out, as before, with the part you have not cut out yet.

(7) After creating the selection range, delete the mask of layer b by pressing Delete on the keyboard.

(8) Next, reverse the selection area and erase the range portion by pressing the delete mask of the copy of layer b with the keyboard.

At this time, "b layer" and "b layer copy" can be reversed.


(9) Deselect the selection and check the layer.

I think that we could separate the second part.

When you compare 'b layer' and 'copy of b layer', you will find that they are well divided.


The third and subsequent parts are OK with (5) and later repeated.



■ D: let's divide facial parts


Next is how to divide facial parts.


(1) Let's display the part that we divided parts earlier.

(2) Duplicate the displayed face layer.

Let's use only the duplicated layer when switching face parts.


(3) I will cut eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes, white eyes, nose, upper entrance, lower mouth, teeth, mouth in the same way as car body parting.

Eyelids are parts to be created later, so we will not cut them at this stage.

The upper entrance and the lower entrance not only cut the line drawing, but also leave a little skin.


If I can tie it firmly, I will do the drawing next time.

This time it is here!



· If you can draw a picture, it can be moved with Live2D!

· CLIP STUDIO PAINT has abundant functions for painting!

· Let's adjust the number of parts according to the application!

· Let's use polygonal line selection, selection pen, selective erasing, masking for part separation!


Next time [second part] (scheduled to be released on November 28) will introduce points to be noted when making illustration!




【Illustration Competition TOKYO Guide Girls】

▼ Illustration Competite

▼ Application Guidelines

This contest is a contest of public offering type sponsored by Technoart Co., Ltd. as part of the planning of "& TOKYO" sponsored by Tokyo for the purpose of encountering and supporting talented artists, for the purpose of developing, nurturing and supporting illustration. .


I express freely various attractions in Tokyo with illustrations and encourage creative activities that draw out the possibilities of illustration.


We are looking for characters symbolizing the various parts of Tokyo 23 wards that will be members of TOKYO Guide Girls.

Besides giving prize money to excellent works, it will be widely announced as books, goods, etc.


■ As of January 2018, we are looking for 4 categories!

· Minato-ku, Adachi-ku, Sumida-ku, Setagaya-ku: January 31, 2018 deadline




<Author Profile: Techno Art Co., Ltd. Tokyo Office>

Techno Art Co., Ltd. The Tokyo office is a digital contents general design company focusing on illustration production.

Professional director, designer will realize your request!

If you have any problems with the design, please do not hesitate to contact us!



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