Simple guide to paint a semi-realistic kitten!


Christina’s Treasure

Christina’s Treasure

Hi! I’m Christina’s Treasure and I’m going to share my process on digitally painting a kitten. These are tips I wish I knew when I first started drawing so I hope you pick up some new tricks<3

You may continue reading the tutorial but I highly recommend you watch the video to give you an active visual representation so you can learn more!

I. Mapping Out Your Reference ❀

Mapping out your reference can help you make sense the shapes in your brain first before you begin your sketch. I recommend using a bright colored pen (like shown below) and using simple shapes to make it easy on yourself!

I used my own painting to avoid trouble lol, but I would advise you to use your reference.

II. Perfecting Your Sketch ❀

Next, to create your sketch I recommend lowering your opacity, and creating another sketch on top with a new layer. This is really helpful if you do line art and will ensure that your final product is neat as possible.

III. Purposeful Lines ❀

After the sketch is completed, line art should be a piece of cake because you are simply tracing, and do not have to fix any mistakes along the way. When inking, make sure to draw spikes indicating the fur. Smooth lines might translate well with hairless kitties, but we want fur!

IV. Rendering Your Masterpiece ❀

After Inking and coloring the base layer, it’s time to render the fur. It’s a matter of simply flicking your wrist and with gentil pressure, creating those fur like strokes.

Using the brush of your choice, start with a lighter shade and mark where the shadow would be. I’m using the gauche brush made available for anyone wondering.

Then, making the brush thinner and darker, go in following the pattern previously made.

Cat’s eyes have irises that dilate just as humans do, however slightly differently. When the light source is in front they go inward and take a slit like shape. However, since the light source is behind the cat, it’s pupils are round.

Next, add a layer with a lighter color to highlight and emphasize the fluffiness.

Going in with an even thinner brush, add details like highlights and additional shading.

Don’t forget to add whiskers using a pen brush if your cat has them and extra highlights for added juiciness!

V. End ❀

That’s it! Thank you for reading/ watching, I hope you learned something and are ready to draw that cat now! Until next time xo



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