BigField style recommendation for new frame expression <Scope format frame> <TIPS simple version>




BigField style recommendation for new frame expression <Scope format frame>

<Simplified TIPS>

Original painting: BigField ★ Long√bo

■How to use the new panel expression “Scope format panel”

We will explain how to use the new panel expression "Scope format panel".

●Operation flow

<“Name” phase>

・Hand-drawn image

Draw an image in your mind.


・Scope format frame (vector layer)

Lines and narration using scope format frames (vector layer) for Atari

Draw a name that includes.



・Scope format frame (3D object)

Scope format panels using 3D objects are also possible.


<“Inking” phase>

・Scope style frame (Comista-like frame frame)

In the scope format frame of the vector layer and 3D object used in the naming stage,

Uses overlapping scope format frames using frame border folders.

After creation, the Atari scope format frame used in the name stage will be hidden.

★ Scope format frame (vector layer)

This is a scope format piece that is used at the naming stage.

Adjust the angle of each screen using the control points of the vector layer.

Depending on the angle, there are two-dimensional use and three-dimensional use.

The object tool is used with this setting.

Duplicate the object tool you are currently using and use it with a dedicated object tool.


▼Explanation with video

The operation method is shown in the video.gif.



★ Scope format frame (3D object)

Although you can create 3D shapes using scope format frames (vector layers),

As an alternative, we have prepared a scope format frame (3D object).

After applying the scope style frame (comista-like frame border), it will be hidden.

▼Explanation with video

The operation method is shown in the video.gif.

The video.gif is divided into 6 parts due to attachment capacity limitations.

▼Division 1/6

▼Split 2/6

▼Split 3/6

▼Split 4/6

▼Split 5/6

▼Split 6/6

★ Scope style frame (Comista-like frame frame)

Scope format frames (comister-like frame borders) are ``comister-like frame frames.

→Refer to Assets” is arranged into a scope format panel.

This is a scope format frame that is actually used in the "inking phase".

After creation, scope format frames (vector layers and 3D objects) for Atari are

You want to hide.

●Layer arrangement and drawing status within a scope-style frame (comister-like frame border)

Check how the appearance of the characters changes depending on the placement of characters ① to ⑥.

In this situation, "expression that pops out from outside the frame" can be easily achieved.

Please check how the appearance of the characters changes depending on the placement of characters ① to ⑥.

In this situation, "expression that pops out from outside the frame" can be easily achieved.

① Outside the character frame: If it is hidden by the purple ruler line, enlarge the ruler.

② Inside the upper frame of the character: For example, when placing ①, mask unnecessary parts individually.

Also, if you select outside the frame > Place > Place within the frame instead of within the own frame

It is also displayed in areas ③④⑤⑥, but the unnecessary parts are individually masked.

③Character right frame: Same as above

⑤Character left frame: Same as above

⑥Character bottom frame: Same as above

④ Within the character frame: Same as above

▼Explanation with video

The operation method is shown in the video.gif.

The video.gif is divided into two parts due to attachment capacity limitations.

▼Split 1/2

▼Split 2/2

■Name example (excerpt) using scope format frames (vector layer)

■This is a simplified TIPS version of the Assets explanation version.

There are also other explanatory manuals.

・Recommendation of new frame expression in BigField style <Scope format frame> Assets explanation edition


・BigField-style new frame expression <Scope format frame> TIPS simple edition

・BigField-style new frame expression <Scope format frame> Overview

・Recommendation of new frame expression in BigField style <Scope format frame> Overview/Details



thank you.

■:Change history

[Change history] (All)

・2023.12.15: First edition Ver 1.0.0 published

・2023.12.30: Image material (editing error) → Corrected to 3D object

・2024.01.06: Issued Ver.2.0.0, clearly indicated Ver.2.0 on the main thumbnail.





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