Simple guide to hybrid character types




Creatures that prioritize animal traits with human posture.

For this type of character, you can start by choosing a human base, with the desired pose, and taking a reference from the animal to adapt. To do this, it is important to observe the anatomy of the animal and identify the best way to adapt it to the human pose that we have chosen.

Note *The texts in English of the images say basically the same thing as the article*

It is very useful to associate certain joint points such as shoulders, elbows, knees, with animal anatomy, so that it is easier to mix both beings in the most homogeneous way possible.

Details such as scales, feathers, or textures are a great plus to take into account.

You can give yourself the freedom to modify large anatomical parts, in favor of your design.

In this last example, we could have chosen to give the character arms independent of the wings, remove the hands permanently, omitting their functionality, put human feet or hair on his head...

But those things are already creative decisions of the author.

Cartoon or chibi animal creatures with human objects

From the animal reference we will take the main figures, for this we will use circles, triangles, irregular shapes, to help us maintain the essence of our animal.


Then we can exaggerate the desired proportions, eyes, ears, spots, tail, belly, etc.

Here we are going to put the animal figure first, which we will draw in cartoon or chibi form, in such a way that we can attach expressions, poses and various human objects to the animal that will give it a recognizable style. It is important to keep in mind that the more human elements Let's give the character more identity.

One tip is to look for a human reference with distinctive objects of professions, which allows the character to take on a personality and a purpose.




By giving expressiveness to the face with the eyes and mouth, we denote that the character has been given the ability to have the reasoning of a human.



Creatures that prioritize the human figure over the animal figure

In my opinion these are the easiest to draw, just take a human pose and an animal of your choice.


We will only choose the most striking elements of our animal, some examples could be: skin, ears, eyes, scales, or tail.


They are very recognizable parts and will allow people to immediately associate your “human” character with a species.

Also to help give more credibility to this hybrid, what we can do is give animal expressions and behaviors to the character.



This little butterfly still helps spread pollen...

Half Human - Half Animal

Finally we find the characters who do not mix the two species, but rather directly take half of each one and unite them.


Some points to keep in mind here are deciding which half (animal or human) will get the top, this will define much of the style of our creation. We must determine where the two beings will join in such a way that the transition is as functional as possible.


The environment in which the character will operate is also something to take into account, in this case the creature will continue in the water, so the skin and characteristics of the animal are preserved.

Note: You can use the poses from the Posemaniacs page in Clip Studio Paint, this is the number 0000961



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