Multi-person composition method of 3D puppets and public property





This submission is based on a large amount of composition information and my experience in using 3D puppets. I will try my best to include sources and links for reference information for your reference. Public domain works (CC0 Public Domain Designation) will be used as explanation examples in the works. Source: Art Institute of Chicago

Basic concepts of character pose

There are many ways to affect whether the picture looks good or not, such as: 1. The way of composition 2. Layout position 3. Switching of lens (viewer) position 4. Wiring 5. Color and light and shadow 6. Eyes and movements 7. Geometric elements 8 .Typesetting design...etc., these factors will affect each other, and a good-looking picture may use many methods at the same time. I will explain it to you in order below.

How to compose the picture:

When drawing or taking photos, there are some simple composition methods. Although not absolute, they are relatively easy to remember for beginners. You can try to start with these compositions.

1. Three-part cutting method

Divide the length and width into 3 equal parts, and the screen will become 9 equal parts. Place the main character or the message you want to express close to the center or the yellow dot.

Example of 3-equal cutting method-the only heroine

This composition makes it difficult to understand who is the protagonist.

Let’s take a look at the trisection method.

Please avoid placing most of the protagonist's face or message in a gray area. This will make it appear insignificant and make it difficult to understand who is the protagonist in the picture.

Try to introduce the third-section cutting method and adjust the position of the protagonist to avoid placing most of the protagonist's body in the edge area.

It feels so much better to put the main character in the center.

2.RAILMAN composition

When the 3-equal cutting method is not applicable, you can try RAILMAN composition. This is a composition in which the width is divided into four equal parts and intersected by diagonals. It is suitable to use the body as a guide line to lead back to the protagonist's composition when the character's body movements are large (fighting or sports) or when the characters need more performance space.

RAILMAM example-fighting and breaking up

The characters' limbs are very vivid, but the picture is not good-looking, and the girl who came to break up the fight was blocked.

It obviously complies with the three equal cutting method, but the effect is not good.

At this time, please try RAILMAN composition. This allows the characters to have more room to perform and clearly see the movements and expressions of each character.

Conclusion: Combining the third-section cutting method and RAILMAN's composition, we can get the picture below.

The gray area represents a place that is easily ignored. If the protagonist's face or most of the information is placed there, it will appear to have no sense of existence. All lines appearing in the orange area can become guide lines, which can help the viewer quickly connect the key points.

Layout position

Whether the message or character you want to be seen is within an attractive layout. The closer the position is to the edge, the weaker the sense of presence. The following demonstrations all use the person in the middle as the protagonist.

This is a photo-taking method often seen in group photos, which looks very silly.



A completely contrasting picture will look boring, but incomplete contrast can create a lively atmosphere between the characters.

. Turn slightly sideways and have some characters squat or sit down to create a height difference in the picture, which will be more vivid.

The distance between the characters should not be too far, otherwise they will appear unfamiliar.

It works better if the character is closer.

You can try switching between different lenses to find the composition you want, and try not to block more than half of each other's body, especially the head and face. The protagonist who was originally standing in the center seemed to have no sense of presence because he was blocked, while the presence of the girl in the front row was too strong.

On the contrary, the less the body is blocked, the more present it is. Try not to cover the head and chest of important characters.

The distance of the characters from the camera (viewer), the closer they are, the easier they are to be seen, but you still need to pay attention to whether they are within effective layout.

If the presence of a supporting character is too strong, the camera or pose needs to be changed.

Switching of camera position (viewer)

The composition of the characters lined up is a bit ordinary.



When you don’t have time to design a composition, you can try switching lenses or rotating angles to make the picture more fluid.

Try to make each character face in different directions, like the pattern of the three goddesses, so that the protagonist will become a different person when switching lenses and angles, reducing visual fatigue of looking at the same person and angle all the time. This technique is commonly used in 3D mobile phones In the game's cutscenes. Next, the character closest to the camera will be the protagonist.



The Three Graces(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

The person in the middle is the protagonist

The person on the left is the protagonist

The person on the right is the protagonist

When there are too many objects in the picture and you don’t know how to adjust them, you can try changing the protagonist and supporting characters into silhouettes to see if the protagonist in the silhouette has a sense of existence.


vertical and diagonal lines

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (CC0 Public Domain Designation)

Straight and horizontal lines can increase the stability of the picture and show elegance even if there are many people in the picture. In the composition, the standing people and the trees in the background are vertical lines, while the river bank, the lying people, and the shadows are horizontal lines. Except for the running animals and the little girl, most people maintain vertical and horizontal postures.

If you want to make the picture lively, you can try using diagonal lines or tilted composition to make the picture fluid.



A Struggle for the Start, plate one from The Leicestershire Hunt(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

Change the picture: The angle is too oblique, which will make the viewer feel [uneasy].

Let the supporting characters in the composition have the same directionality to guide the position of the protagonist.

Still Life with Dead Game, Fruits, and Vegetables in a Market(CC0 Public Domain Designation)


The shadow and luster of the cloth form distinct curves, allowing the eye to follow the cloth and arms back to the protagonist.

The Fates Gathering in the Stars(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

Color and light

Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

The protagonist Jesus in the picture is not only in an obvious position in the picture, but also has cloth behind him, and the color is brighter than the people next to him.

eyes and movements

The Death of St. Peter Martyr(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

Through the assassin's movements and eyes, we will know that St. Peter Martyr is about to be murdered.


Equilateral triangle

The composition of an equilateral triangle gives people a sense of stability.


Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

Inverse triangle

The inverse triangle gives people a sense of instability and is suitable for use in dynamic or restless and tense atmospheres.

The Abduction of the Sabine Women(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

Round type

The circular composition is suitable for expressing strength, and there is a sense of harmony and protection within the circle.

Flight from Pompeii(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

Love of Winter(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

The circular composition contains nature and people, and the bright color embellishments show warmth and joy.

Winter Scene(CC0 Public Domain Designation)

There is only nature within the circle without humans. Human beings are excluded from the circle, showing the power of nature, while humans are huddled in the cold wind.

Typography design:

In some works, there are great designs, and here are the works that pay tribute and reference.

1. Reduce the presence of supporting characters

Refer to the poster of the animated movie-Millennium Actress**

Using the running action of the supporting characters as the background, in addition to adjusting the transparency, the crowd was placed in a position with a weak sense of presence. Finally, the design deliberately used a circle to block the crowd, making its message incomplete and reducing the sense of presence. The protagonist's seat is placed more prominently in the front, letting the viewer know that the person in the middle is the protagonist.

2. Guide line application

Referenced from the cover of the game Fire Emblem: Awakening

The weapons in the hands of the characters have become excellent guiding lines. No matter which way they look, the audience can see each character in sequence, and these guiding lines will bring the line of sight back to the protagonist.

Take away the leading lines, and the original sense of order disappears, making people confused about how to read the message in the painting, making it appear chaotic.

3. Design of storyboards

PERSONA 5 art design cover

Composed like a comic, the layout of the storyboard directs the eye back to the protagonist, and cuts off the excess in the lower left corner, making the picture lively and vivid. The background of the protagonist's storyboard is the most eye-catching color, and the gun in his hand and his raised movements are very eye-catching.

Promotional image of PERSONA 3 RELOAD

I made changes here according to my own preferences. Because the outer frame is aqua blue, I deliberately made the background color of the protagonist orange and placed it near the middle.

Conclusion and supplementary information

I shared what I know and hope it helps everyone. Below are recommended information links:

Naoko Saito's illustration channel, this article contains a lot of knowledge about composition.


I like the art of ATLUS very much. Those who have not seen this video can refer to it. The video uses a lot of guiding lines (human movements, background buildings, rain special effects) and three-point perspective techniques.

Books:Learn composition from the master Author-Hiroyuki Uchida

This book analyzes the composition methods used in many famous paintings, and prepares two different examples A and B for readers to compare which composition is more beautiful. It is a very thoughtful book.

**Recommended authors/artists:**For works composed by multiple people, I recommend Walter Molino and Norman Rockwell. Their illustrations can vividly touch on various current events at that time. In addition to their powerful composition skills, The stories in the illustrations are also interesting.


The above are the techniques I currently know, but they are not absolute. Please adjust them according to your own preferences. Thank you :)



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