How to draw 4 types of flowers ( Using one pen! )

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#1 How to draw Roses (Using G-pen)

First, sketch out your roses using a light red, create new raster layer, put the sketch OVER the new layer and fill flower with a darker red. (The color and sketch should be on different layers and colors can vary depending on your taste).

Tip- zoom up, start at the center and work your way out making the petals bigger as you go. DO NOT PUT TOO MANY PETALS, there should be a gap in the size as shown below.

Ignore the third layer I have it’s the other roses I’ve already done. Change size to 8 and thicken outline of outer petals using outline color, then change to size 2 and do the same to the inner petals.

Take outline color and using the color wheel drag the circle down a bit. Then, using the color make a line under the outline.

Then do the same thing you did above using a darker color this time drawing over where the petals overlap.

Now select the base color (the darkest red used) and outline everywhere the petals overlap.

I recommend using a black for the base to make it sharper.

#2 How to draw daisies ( Using G-pen )

First start by sketching out the rudimentary or basic layout of the daisy. Once finished fill petals with a light tan base. (color wheel shown).

Tip- Use a reference it is 10x easier trust me and at the end of most daisy petals there are ridges as shown below.

Using the color wheel select a grey/blue color to shade everywhere the petals over lap this will be the 1st layer color, using the 1st layer color drag the circle on the color wheel to make the color a bit darker. With color just made, shade everywhere you put the 1st layer color, half way. As shown below.

Repeat step above one more time.

Now take 1st layer color to make lines coming down from the indentions at the end of the petals then using the 2nd layer color make thinner lines down the middle of the former.

Select the 3rd layer color, change the size to 18.8 and opacity to 40 and create a circle around the center of the daisy. Now lift your finger and over lap the petals in the background.

Fill the center (using the fill option) with a bright orange/yellow color, I suggest using a lighter one than I did preferably where the arrow points below.

Now change size to 8 and select a bright yellow color. Using color selected make crescent shapes, starting from the outside working your way in going from bigger to smaller. Next, select a dark orange color and fill the inside of the crescents.

Now change the size to 22, using the darker orange, create a circle around the center of the daisy then lift your finger and make half circle overlapping the first.

Next select select 3rd layer color used earlier and over lap the blur circle going an inch away from it as well. After that select a darker blue and make a line where the mark is. (As shown below).

Done! :)

#3 How to draw a Carnation ( Using G-pen )

Start by sketching out carnation flowers, then fill them using a light orange color, using the base color make a second color by dragging down the circle on the color wheel and use that to make shadows behind the petals and in the center of the flower. (as shown)

Tip- Make sure to create a new raster layer to separate the color from the sketch.

Now create darker color and shade everywhere you just shaded half way.

Figure out where you want your light source and create light points using a white/tan color getting darker as you get closer to the center.

Tip- Avoid places where there would be shadows.

(Don’t forget to remove the sketching layer).

Change opacity to 44 and select the darkest color used on the flower. Then shade everywhere shown below.

Lastly select a light pink and shade under the original highlight points on the right side.

Done. :0

#4 How to draw rose bouquet (Using G-pen)

First start off by creating a sketch of how you want your bouquet to look, the roses on the outside should point outwards and the roses on the top will only show halfway. The initial sketch should look something like a snow cone.

Now sketch out the rose stems and ribbon, I added more roses to make the bouquet look fuller and leaves.

Next, fill the roses with a light pink color and the spaces between the roses with a dark color, then take base color make it a bit darker and fill the petals 2/4 or 3/4 of the way.

Tip - create new raster layer so the color and line art are separate.

After doing that to all the roses use the color just used to create a darker color and fill the lighter color half way with the darker color. Then use the same color to shade where the roses over lap each other.

(The thick lines show where to shade}

Select a white and make lines at the tip of each petal, moving on to the leaves select a dark green color and fill some petals then select a lighter green and fill the rest. Create an even lighter green and draw a line down the middle with little lines coming off of them.

( Yellow shows where to put the white. )

Now use a dark green to add dark points between the stems, then select a lighter green add file the stems on the outside and work your way in getting lighter as you go. Then using a grey use the fill option to fill the ribbon. ( I filled it about 6 times to make it thicker. )

Use a dark grey and make lines coming from the wrinkles in the ribbon, then make a darker grey and make smaller lines in the lighter ones and finish it off with a light green line as shown below. Next, select a dark green to show where the stems over lap each other and the shadow of the ribbon.

( Don’t forget to add the shadows the flowers make over the stems and leaves shown above )

Lastly make a dark grey color using the darkest grey used on the petals and over line the rose petal outline making the center darker and ignoring the outer petals that meet the background.

Tip- use the same color to make a thinner line where the roses overlap to make them more dimensional.

Erase the outline of the petals or remove outline layer.




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