How to animate a boxer training

2 399




Hello everyone, I'm a Illustrator, concept artist, comic artist and 2d animator as a freelancer


Today I'll show you how to animate a boxer training


In this tutorial I will use the Galaxy Tab s7 to work. But don't worry, basically clip studio is the same on all devices like (Tablets, smartphones, Mac and PC)



1 - Creating a project for animation

in the same window where we start a regular animation we will select the last option which is animation, and we will use the following settings:


1 - File name (choose the name of your animation project)

2 - Preset (choose standard animation settings and resolutions in clip studio)

3 - Size of output frame (where you can choose more advanced settings such as the frame rate that you will use in the process of creating your animation)


in this case we will use the default settings of 1920 x 18080 (192dpi)... And we will use 12 frames per second


usually big companies use 24fps to 30fps, but in this case we'll make our jobs a little easier with 12fps

In this tutorial I will assume that you already have knowledge about the basics of animation software (CSP)

2 - Sketching

let's create our first sketch. In this tutorial we will draw "Pose by pose", easier method for us beginners. We will draw each pose of the movement that we project in our mind and then draw in between.


let's start by adding the first pose

Animation is a job that takes a lot of time and patience to do, so we always need to find a way to shorten our time


in this case we will always reuse the first pose, as the initial pose for each blow given


With that in mind, let's draw pose 2 (JAG)

remember, we won't worry about where or who he's hitting just yet, animating one character at a time helps you have control of the whole project.


don't forget to enable "Onion skin" to get an idea about the drawings made before or after

now, instead of redrawing pose 1, let's reuse the drawing we already made before.


Is a shortcut to save our time, clicking on this icon below



and then we choose the design we want to reuse, in this case the pose "1"

Don't forget to select on the timeline where the drawing will be positioned... And remembering, leave a spacing of 1 frame for each pose, so we can draw between poses, this helps to make the animation more fluid, in other words, to make the movement more realistic

Before doing pose 3, we will use the same method in pose 2, to repeat the strokes


having this in mind we can now draw pose 3, it will be a JAG with the right hand

Remembering, if you don't know exactly how to draw a punch, you can always use a reference, it serves as a mental exercise


Let's reuse pose 1, as I taught in the image above and then do pose 4 (Uppercut)

Once again let's repeat pose 1 and draw our final pose (Hook) to complete the character's combo


Remembering, the more frames there are between the poses, the slower the animation, in this case I want to make the animation of the last hit slightly slower, so let's leave an interval of 2 frames

now we are going to do our first drawing between the poses, let's start with the last pose, because it seems to be the most complex

Traditional animators used a method to represent the speed of a movement, if they wanted to draw a super fast stroke, they would draw the stroke several times in the same image, this is called "Smears"


But since this is a tutorial for beginners and I'm not a professional using this method, I use a shortcut that makes the drawing more convincing and beautiful, I use the "Motion blur" tool


NOTE: I show how I do this in the video.

But for now as this is a sketch let's continue as is.


now let's draw the last pose between them

after that, let's make another drawing between the last pose (pose 6 or Hook) and the first pose (pose 1), so the animation can be in a loop

after that, let's fill all frames, drawing between all poses to make the animation more fluid

What method do I use to draw between poses?


I simply try to draw in the middle of each pose, as in the image above... the point "C" is where the current drawing is

3 - Animating the punching bag and more using shortcuts

in this gif I animated the punching bag by duplicating a single image, I also used the same method in pose 1, so as not to freeze the image

let's start by drawing the punching bag, in this case we will use the "Transformation" tool to animate the punching bag


when you activate the tool, a cross appears in the center of it, let's direct this cross upwards to be able to rotate only the bottom of the bag

Let's move it from point "A" to point "B"

to not leave the default moment too still, let's use the "Free Transform" tool to animate pose 1, distorting it from right to left in different frames


NOTE: In the middle of them will be the original pose

the previous image the main image will be moved to the left


The after image will be moved to the right

4 - Bonus

There is a brush that I always use to paint, it allows me to paint faster than normal, I will show you how to use it

After downloading and adding to your library, an icon in the form of an ice cream will appear as shown in the image, it has almost the same function as the lasso tool

remembering that you have to use it on the layer where you want to paint, but first you need to add the layer where the clean lines are as a reference

After that, just paint as shown in the GIF

NOTE: you may want to close all clean lines (ink) before using this method


The tricky part is the sketch, after that you detail it to your liking, paint and add a background, and in the end the animation will be like this

Hope it helped, don't forget to watch the video if you have time, the explanation is more detailed there



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