How to paint watercolor Digitally!

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Hi! My name is Ace and today I'm gonna try my best to explain how to do a watercolor painting Digitally!

First... there are two different watercolor techniques, the first is wet on wet and the second is wet on dry. Wet on dry is a lot easier to replicate digitally as you don’t have the wet paper to help spread out the paint and give it that “bleeding” effect, this is the technique we will be taking into account today. Now what is the difference between painting Traditionally and Digitally? Aside from the obvious like time consumption and the use of Ctrl Z, digital art has a certain smoothness about it that makes trying to replicate traditional mediums difficult. Without the texture of the paper or canvas showing through it tends to look flat. A way to get around this however is by using a paper texture on top of your artwork!

Another way it by using an "underpainting". And Underpainting is a layer of paint underneath your main painting that harmonizes the colors and can also help show off the texture of the brush your using. As for deciding what colors to use i recommend using some complimentary colors, here's an image to kinda describe how it works:

And while you don't necessarily have to use an Underpainting it really does help your artwork look more cohesive, here's an example with my art! Without:

And with:

Now you may be wondering how to do that, your layer order doesn't necessarily matter all that much but here's how I do it, lineart on top, main coloring underneath that, and underneath everything is my Underpainting.

You can also choose to keep your sketch layer visible to maybe get a more realistic look if you sketch using a pencil, this is preference only so don’t feel the need to do it if you don’t like how it looks!

Now you can sketch and color as normal but feel free to keep it messy, watercolor is fun in the way you don’t have to rely on straight edges and clean lines. Also have fun in experimenting with other custom-made watercolor brushes in the csp materials tab, there’s a lot to choose from! The ones I used will be liked under my profile if you want to use those. And finally, we can start the painting!

And there you have it! I’m by no means a professional but I enjoy traditional watercolor a lot, so I hope I was able to help and or teach you something! Please feel free to let me know how I did and can improve future tips to better help you guys. Thank you so much for reading! :D



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