How to Draw a Butterfly Step by Step

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Butterflies are one of the most popular subjects for drawing and painting. Their vibrant colors and delicate details make them visually stunning. While butterflies may seem intricate, they can actually be quite easy to draw with some simple steps. In this beginner's guide, we'll walk through how to draw a butterfly and end up with a beautiful completed sketch. With a bit of practice, you'll be able to create your own unique butterfly artworks. So grab a pencil and paper, and let's get started!

Step 1: Draw the Butterfly's Body

We'll begin by drawing the body, which is the foundation for the rest of the butterfly. Here are the instructions:

Lightly sketch a circle near the center of your paper. Don't press too hard since we'll adjust the shape.


Below the circle, draw an oval shape that's a little wider than the circle. This will be the butterfly's abdomen.


Connect the two with a gentle curve for the butterfly's thorax. Make minor adjustments until you have a basic body shape.


The body should resemble a lightbulb now. Before moving on, be sure to erase any early sketch lines outside of the shape.

Step 2: Add the Wings

Now it's time for the best part - the wings! Here are the steps:


Draw a long oval shape extending from each side of the body. Make them fairly symmetrical.


Sketch irregular U shapes inside the oval wing outlines. This creates the basic wing shape.


Draw a line down the center of the butterfly's body, then extend it through each wing. This helps with symmetry.


Erase any remaining sketch lines, and reinforce the main wing and body outlines.


Be creative with the wing shapes! The irregular U shapes can be dramatic or subtle.

Step 3: Draw the Antennae

Let's add the antennae next. To draw them:


Extend two lines up from the circle part of the body. These should be slightly curved and taper to a point.


The antenna lines should be relatively short, similar to whiskers.


Add a line separating each antennae into two segments.


Later on, you can add small circles at the ends to form the clubs if desired.

Step 4: Add Details to the Wings

At this point, we have the basic butterfly form. Now let's amp up the realism by adding wing details:


Draw a line down the center of each forewing, parallel to the body line. This divides the wings into sections.


In each section, sketch wavy lines spanning the width of the wings to form veins. Make the veins fuller toward the body.


Draw slightly curved lines along the edges of the wings to indicate scallops or rounding.


Add any other details like spots or patterns to personalize your butterfly!


These elements create a more intricate, realistic wing texture. Feel free to observe photos for inspiration.

Step 5: Add Color and Shading

To complete your butterfly drawing, consider adding color and shading. Here are some tips:


Use colored pencils, markers, paints, or other mediums to color in your butterfly. Observe real ones for vibrant colors.


Shade the wings gradually darker toward the edges and body for dimension.


Add white or metallic accents for shine and glittery effects.


Use a kneaded eraser to lighten or lift areas like highlights.


Shade the body with gentle gradients and define the segments.


The coloring and shading stage truly brings your butterfly to life on paper. Take your time playing with different styles and techniques.

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