Making Concepts For Your Combat Character




This tutorial is for coming up with a concept for a combat character. You'll want to be loose at first until you are certain of what you want. What is their personality? Are they fighting for good, evil, or somewhere in between? What does their weapon say about them? Sketch a few ideas and then go with one that feels like it tells an interesting story.

For my example, I chose the horned character sketch. My character is a sadistic warrior who enjoys swinging an axe wildly to add to the chaos of battle. Her weapon becomes an extension of her true nature.


Now it's time to create a reference to work from.

I loosely make swirls in the shape of the body type I want and then lower the opacity and create the body on a new layer. I also use horizontal lines to measure across and make sure the frontal and the profile view match up. Don't be afraid to rework things a lot in this stage!

I pick the frontal view to work on and start laying in the face (you don't have to work so fast on the weapon yet! I just really wanted to see her with it!) Think of a basic expression that fits your character's personality most.

It is best to lower the opacity on your base line layer and work on the clothing on a new layer.

Finally you can add the color scheme you want on separate layers below. My character is over-confident so does not wear armor, but if you want to be more detailed you can think of armor, shields, smaller back-up weapons, utility belts, lucky charms - whatever is most important for your specific character!

You can work on the side profile or more views (back and three-quarter views) if you want to be thorough, however I want to show how having a model sheet ready helps bring the character to life in illustration.

Here are two concept pieces I worked on to get a vibe for my fighter. Don't be afraid to try many concepts or situations to see how they move, fight, and express their emotions.

Thank you for viewing this tutorial. I hope it's helpful, and good luck with your concepts!



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