The Found cuteness of man's best friends 🐈+🐕.




Hey guys. Welcome ones again to another chapter of my tutorial and for today illustration I will be showing you guys the found cuteness of man's best friends cat🐈 + dog🐕.

And be ready to get Wow away because in this tutorial, I will show the way I paint cats and dogs CUTE with their various properties, structures and some expressive poses that also show their cute side. So with no further Ado, let's jump down to it


What are the features that makes our pets Cute,

When we take a closer look at our regular house pet, we will notices that they are things which subconsciously draw us to Loving our pets and also much more likely makes us to look after them, also love them and it's because of there [Profound Cuteness]. And Cute things are usually regarded as vulnerable, needy and also just like babies.

So let's lay out those features that makes them that way. And for the purpose of this tutorial to be relative to both me and the audiences, I will be using both of my two best house pet which are the cat and dog for to this tutorial, to show the general features involve when we are to paint any of our various pets cute.

And those features are the Face, Nature of paws and Body shapes,

(i) The Face

Is one of the features that show off the cuteness that all pet purposes, we can consider it as one of their powerful arsenal that differentiates there cuteness from one another.

You may have notice if you have a cats and dogs that their face tenses to make us feels happiness, love and also make us to express our feels by sounding like this " Awww " as we look at their faces because of the shape of the head and the following features the ears, eyes, mouth and whiskers which our house pet poses and also their wild relative also do pose.



So how are we to draw head of our pets?

They are various ways that has being discover over the year, but I will show how I sketch the cats and dogs head.


We start by draw the head of our Cat by drawing a circle,

Make an upside pentagon shape, draw it a little bit round

Draw a vertical line reference where the eyes will be position from the left edge of the pentagon to the right edge and a straight horizontal line in the center.

Draw a hexagon below the eyes line downwards, letting the horizontal line of the pentagon, also dividing it into two halves and draw another vertically line in the hexagon from the left point to the right point, letting the down of the hexagon be more longer and the up shorter.

Now draw a triangle in the hexagon where the horizontal and vertical line meet(which is for the nose), then we draw a two circle at the top of the pentagon left and right, we now draw the ears either round,

or point,

But I will be making use of the round.


Next, we draw a round circle for the eyeballs and then the eyelids, next detail them.

Now with that last touches we are done with the cats face also

Below are some few drawing of the cats perspective and referencing of the heads features like the nature of their eyes,ear and the rest of them.



Colour work

Note: that depending on the type of cat you are drawing the features may vary like the eyes,nose,ears and even whiskers vary. So experiment.

While for that of Dog, we draw a circle,

follow by a pentagon

Draw a vertical line reference where the eyes will be position from the left edge of the pentagon to the right edge and a straight horizontal line in the center.

Draw a hexagon below the eyes line downwards, letting the horizontal line of the pentagon also dividing it into two halves and draw another vertically line in the hexagon from the left point to the right point. At this point we will started to see the differences between the face of the cat and the dog, where by the down of the hexagon will be more shorter and the up longer.

After that, draw a triangle in the hexagon where the horizontal and vertical line meet (which is for the nose), then we draw a two circle at the top of the pentagon left and right, we now draw the ears either falling,

or standing,

But I will be using that of the falling ears,

We now conclude it by draw a round circle for the eyeballs and the the eyelids then detail them.

Now with that last touches we are done with the dogs face also

And below are some few cute dog perspective drawing where our pet use the arsenal/ features that triggers us to feel a bit mushy inside.



Colour work

[Note: So guys, this from me to you, beware there big round eyes, softy fur and floppy ears that is there super weapon of cuteness]

(ii) Nature of paws

The paws are another features that makes our regular house pets and wilds beautiful and cute. And if we can just understand how to implement them and use them to advantage to the painting of our pet more cute. So below I will showing how to paint paws.


• For the front paws

We can draw the paws of both cats and dogs using the different shapes to achieve it [ for the front paws and back paws] by drawing five straight lines, a round big circle in the middle in form of a leave identifying the paw joints[rear view and bottom view].


Cat paws,

Dog paws,

Draw a rough sketch link to the leave structure and the oval at the end of the five lines in order to frame the paws.


Cat paws,

Dog paws,

Then draw to horizontal line attach to the edges of the trapezoid to form the front limbs,


Cat paws,

Dog paws,

Now finish it up by adding details like claws and furs for both the Cat + the Dog.


• For the back paws

We start by drawing a Z like line with small circle at each joint for the limbs [rear view and bottom view] and oval shape with one point edge,


Cat paws,

Dog Paws,

Now divide the oval at the round edge with a curve and draw the back limb structure,


Cat paws,

Dog paws,

After that we add the finishing details like furs and claws.


Cat paws,

Dog paws,

After that, we Finish it up by adding details like claws and furs for both the Cat + the Dog.


Below are some references ways to draw Cats and Dogs paws, either for it be cartoon, semi realistic and realistic like.

Cats paws

Dog paws,

(iii) Body shape

The body is also another features that pets are equip with to show of their cuteness. I will be showing to frame the body structures of both the cat & dog. And I will be drawing for both sides view and front view.


• For the side view,

We draw a circle big round circle and a little one at one end of it, for the cat the body a rectangle shape and same also for the dog but the two edge of the rectangle around the waist side is smaller than the chest.

And also we will draw a Ziggy lines for the limbs back and front with oval shape, at one edge point and the other curve with a round shape at the end for the tail.


For the Cats,


Next, we draw the line join all of them and then shape of both the cat and dog will show,


For the cats,


Following that, we add our finishing details touches like eyes,ears, nose, mouth, craws and furs.


Notice: that at this point it we take a closer look at our pet appearance, we will now be able to feel the sense of warmness and loving feels that's because we where about to use shape to represent the structures of our pet and that make the cuteness of our can now POP OUT.


Let see another way we can make the cute of our pets pop out more.

What if we drop all sense realize? And just draw and paint. What I am trying to say is we draw our pet fully with shapes like in cartoon and chibi form

Like lets take the paw for an instant,

They are various other options which we can choose to draw our pets...[Cartoon, chibi]

• Cartoon expression of our pets,


For the Cartoon expression of our pets, if we take a closer look at the head and it features with the body are everyday regular shapes like circle, triangle and squares.

And to draw it, We start by drawing the head round circle because circle shapes express the feeling of cuteness and being approachable, the ears also roundly shape, the eyes big and round, nose are shape oval, mouth for the cat draw inform of a W, while that of the dog inform of a U.


Set layer to multiply for the [Lineart]

Use the eraser to erase the lines that are out

Now, Set layer to [Normal] and paint in the flat colour for both the cat and dog.

After that, Set layer to [Darker] and use a dark red to shade the edges.

•Chibi expression of our pets,


Then If we want our pet look very very cute [chibi] is the right style to draw and paint. And chibi can be achieve by we will perfectly draw our pet in a round shapes where the head will be big than the rest of the the body as shown below.


For the Chibi Cats,

Set layer to [Multiply] and draw the lineart of the sketch.

Now, Set layer to normal and paint the flat colour,

Next, set layer to normal and shade the edges.

For the Chibi Dogs,

Layer set [Multiply] and draw the lineart,

Set layer

Layer set to [Normal] and paint the flat colour,

Also set another to [Normal] and use the darker colours of each flat color to paint the shades,

Expressive poses and method of drawing (also shows the cuteness)

People normally do say and I quote "action speak loud than word" do you believe that because I do because our pet has prove it to be so and that also is another ingredients which add to the cuteness, if you do not believe me take closer look at our two regular house pets[Man's best friends that comes in different shapes and sizes].


For cats cute poses,

Dogs cute poses,

So what do you think? because for me the proof they images above proves the statement to be true.

The age when our pets are found to be vulnerability and they are said to have [Super cuteness].

Cuteness is mostly found in animal during there infant age and one particularly neat study demonstrated this by showing group of people pictures of dogs at different ages and asking them how cute they considered them. Interestingly, the puppies were found to be at their most appealing between eight and ten weeks of age. And because of that we can say that at that infant age house pets tense to display what I like to call Super cuteness.

So I will be showing everyone how I do draw and paint my two favorite pets which are the dog and the cat at there infant age.

• Processes involve in the rendering of cats


For the Cat, I will be painting my pet cat [Tracy]. We can start by rough sketching the structures of our cat using different shape for the foundational build up.

After We are done with the rough sketch, we can now move to drawing the outline of the frame as the Lineart.

Now that we are also done with the lineart, we can now fill in the base colour [as indicate by the round circle]

Now, we use the gradient tool to fill in the indicated colours to the base colour.

Move to adding the indicated colours on the ears, nose and lower limbs,

Then now, we create a new layer above and edit the furs of the cat using the indicated colours.

We create another new layer, also add the indicated colours in the eyes, around the eyes, nose and whiskers.

After that, we use the different indicated colours to paint in strains of furs,

Following that, we use the indicated colours for final rendering and highlights.

Then finish it up by adding detail background.

Finish work

• Process involve in the rendering of dogs,


For the dog, I will be using my pet [Bruno]. We start by rough sketching the body frame of the dog.

Now, we redraw on another layer but this time sketching out the detail features using the formal sketch as a reference while the opacity is reduce to 30% and turn to blue.

Next, we draw the outline but this time clear as a lineart,

Afterwards, we add the base colour and use the gradient tool to grade it [using the indicated colours].

We move on to adding some other few colours as indicated,

Now, we add some new other indicated colours and use the blending tool with sharp edges which we can find in asset shop to blend the upper colour to the down colour to make it look furry.

After that, we create another layer above add another indicated colours on the facial features and stomach.

We create another new layer above, shade in some dark colour to give it dimension.

Next, we use the indicated colours to edit and add some highlights on the nose,

At this point, we create a new layer, set it to overlay and add the indicated colours to give it that warm feeling.

Then now, we use a decorative tools to add furs to the puppy outer and inward body,

We create also another layer above the others, set it to glow dodge and use a decorative tool to add strains of furs using the indicated colours.

Now, we create another separate layer, then add the shadow below the puppy and if we look closely their are some white color at the edges of the paws,

So we create another layer above all the layers, use a dark colour to hide the white edges.

After that, we use the following indicated colours to paint the background.

The finish the work by rendering details to the background, then we are done.

Just a Free Bonus

This workpiece is an added extra in dedication to my pets.

Me and my two Lovely and Cute friends. It's your time to show the closeness between you and your closers friends. Here is mine

Finish work piece


Thanks again guys for sticking till the end of this tutorial guys, I hope it was enlightened and I was able to help the beginners build their basic painting foundation and also the olds, one or two new ideas when painting any of our pets cute and beautiful.

And before I forget their are some tool I made use of that was helpful to me, and CSP are to thanks for it. They are transform tool

•rotate/Scale tool

•Free transform tool

• Mesh transformation tool


For those who would like to know the kinds of brushes I use to make the different kinds of images above. I made the list of the various pen, brushes, blending brush and furry brushes.

Here are some link to try out:

And also, for those who are new to CSP and when you want to draw your lineart, you are having problem with your rough sketch being black. CSP made this set for such purpose.

For me, my sketch layer is below the layer for my lineart, I use change colour layer setting to change the colour of my sketch layer to light blue and last reduce the opacity of my rough sketch to 30%, then I start to draw my line art .

And they are lots more setting in CSP app which you can try out.

I will be stop here for now and looking forward to see you at the next chapter of my illustration.

So bye, byee.



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