How to use Auto Action for easy (Twitch) Emote saving




Working on emotes and you are looking for a timesaving way to save them, when they are finally done?

Wait no more.

I created a ClipStudio template file, which you can use for sketching and finishing those emotes (and seeing them in one file for a better overview)

Additionally there is a ClipStudio AutoAction you can use to nearly automaticly save your emotes (you need to add the name, can choose where to save and set the size)


The files (template & auto action) you can find at the end of the tutorial :)



The emotes themself, you just draw inside the coloured panels (They are 448x448 pixel)


Why i chose 448x448 pixel? Because if you resize them into 112x112 | 56x56 and 28x28, these will be a little bit sharper. Someone with a better math comprehension could explain this better i think ;)

Create your Emote

Create you Emote Sketch. You can draw over the square fields :)

Work on your outline (this is just how i create my emotes btw. If you work on one layer and have a different approach, go for it :) )

Add details to your design. You can add as many layers as you like.

Prepare for saving

When you are done, you need your emote on one layer (merged)

If you want to save the base file for later f.e. be sure to put all layers in one folder.

Copy this folder and merge it.


The original you can just uncheck, so it's not visible anymore.

activate the blue coloured Helper Line layer.

This layer helps you mark the right size for saving the emote

Choose the selection (rectangle)

Since you activated the helper lines, the selection will snap to these lines. Pretty neat right?

When you selected the emote you want to save, click on the EMOTES folder.

Auto Action

Now you select the "Emote_Autosave_via New File" and hit the play icon on the bottom.

A new file is created automaticly (don't worry, it will close after you saved all 3 emote sizes)


Now you can choose your folder in which you want to save your emote.

Give it a name (f.e. EmoteName 112x112)

After you hit enter, this PNG export window opens and you need to set the file size you need (112x112, 56x56 and 28x28 for Twitch Emotes)

Save the 56x56 emote

Don't forget to add the right size!

And the last (28x28 pixels)

You are nearly done, just add the last emotesize and...

... the file closes automatically

Your emotes are saved, with the names you gave them (sadly you can't make this auto yet i believe)

They should be working for instant upload to twitch.


Now go and fill this template with amazing emotes.


I hope this helped a bit.

As always, if something is hard to understand, just leave me a message so i can adjust it :)


Here you can find the emote template and the auto action

Add on: How to add an auto action

For the emote autosave to be added, just open the auto action window (top bar Window > Auto-Action) and drag and drop the auto action file into the auto action window. thats it :)



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