Clip Studio Hacks: Shortcut Tricks | Clipstudio Tablet




Hi! Welcome to the first part of "Time-saving tools on Clipstudio".


This tip will consist of two parts. First part will focus on tools or functions that will help you draw efficiently. Second part will solely focus on Companion Mode, the newly added version of Clip Studio Paint.


Time saving tools: Introduction

Clip Studio Paint has a lot to offer. There are many different tools and functions that can help you faster and easier. All functions that I will introduce are available whether you use a phone, tablet or computer.


However for this tip, I will only use

-Android tablet - as the main gadget

-Android pen - as a pen and for shortcut set up

-Android phone - for companion mode set up


Workspace set up for tablet

The first thing that I will introduce is how to set up your workspace. Everyone has their own preference. What is important is to take off all the things you don't need on your screen and add the things you usually use.


This is the Clipstudio's workspace default version






1. Go to Clip Studio's Asset


Go to [Clip Studio’s materials] that you can find under the palette bar and then click [Clipstudio’s Asset]


Once you’re in the store, just search “workspace”, pick and download.




2. Make your own manually

It is easy to create a workspace. Go to [menu bar] > [Windows]

Now pick the tools and functions you usually use and set it up.


I usually just pick layers, navigator, and tools since that is what I commonly use.


Just drag the upper section of each tool if you want to move it.




You can also adjust the height of the tool.



You can also do this and joined two tools together, just wait for the red line to appear at the bottom and then release.



I like putting layers and navigators on my right side and tools on my left.

Quick Access

Quick Access is one of the time saving tools that I will introduce. It’s like a shortcut section where you can put all the functions, colors and tools you usually use.





Go to [tool section]>[quick access]



Quick access has 3 set default including "Companion Set"




You can add, delete or rename set by holding them





To add desired tools or functions.


There are two ways to set it up:


1. Go to [Quick Access] > [Quick Access Setting] > [Pick desired tool] > [Add]

To add desired tools or function go to [Quick Access Setting] > [Pick desired tool] > [Add]




2. [Hold tool] > [Quick Access Setting] > [Pick desired tool] > [Add]

There are also other functions you can find like pens, brush, color or auto auction, and place it in quick access.


By clicking menu command, you can find [pop-up palette], [Options], [Tools], [Auto action], and [Drawing color]





[Hold] > [Change Order] > [Drag] or [Ctrl+Drag]



🌟You can use [Separator] so that your set looks appealing and organize.


-You can still use the Default Companion set in your tablet and you can use any set on companion mode.


Auto Action

Auto Action can record and run operations.


Auto Action consist of:

1. Create New Auto Action Set

2. Add Auto Action Set

3. Start or Stop to record auto action

4. Start to play Auto action

5. Add new auto action to current auto action

6. Deleted selected Auto Action



Go to [Window] > [Auto action]






Click [Start to record auto action] continue to do the set of operation you desire to record then [Stop to record auto action].


Here’s and example where I record my [create sketch layer] operation.

In my case, I tend to use dark colored paper since I like using cyan color for sketching. I also put it on a Folder as well since I sometimes use 3 layers for sketching (body, face and hair) specially when I can't decide what expression or hairstyles I'm going to use for my character.


Auto Action can be applied in Quick Access, and Edge keyboard.


Hotkeys and how to create them?

Draw efficiently by using Hotkeys! Hotkeys or shortcut keys can be manually edited using modifier key setting ot shortcut key setting. There's also Air Action Setting if you own a samsung tablet and S-pen.

► Gesture Pad

The usual gesture hotkeys for tablet are

Single Swipe = Move Canvas



Two-finger pinch = Zoom in or Zoom out the Canvas





Two-finger rotation = Rotate the Canvas



Undo = 2 finger tap



Eyedropper = hold

► Edge Keyboard

Edge keyboard is an assist control for tablet and smartphone users. You can take advantage of it by using it as modifier keys and shortcuts.


By tapping this you can show or hide the edge keyboard.


ESC, Ctrl, Shift, Alt and Space functions are the same when you are using a keyboard

Touchkeys can be used as a shortcut for autoaction or other commands.




CTRL, Shift, Alt and Space commands can be modified easier using [Modifier Key Setting] and Touch Keys using [Shortcut Setting]. This part will be elaborated later.


You can also drag them around the screen. In my case, I prefer to put it on my left side if I'm not in the mood for Quick Access.


If I don't feel like using it, then I'll probably place it on my right side together with my Navigator. So my finger or pen won't touch it.


►HOW TO CREATE HOTKEYS? (Modifier Key Setting)

Since we are using an android tablet with no keyboard and S-pen. Let's give Edge Keyboard a command. [Modifier Key Setting] is much better to use for [CTRL], [Alt], [Space] and [Shift].


Click [Menu] > [Modifier Key Setting]

1. Select tool-specific setting

2. Go to Refine Section to narrows down the modifier keys shown in [Operation].

3. Shows a list of modifier keys that can be set. You can select from [None], [Common], [Tool aux. operation], [Change tool temporarily], and [Change brush size].

4. Click [Ok]


Note: [Modifier Key Setting] can place a command for both [Edge Keyboard] and [Companion Mode: Mode Switch]

► HOW TO CREATE HOTKEYS? (Shortcut setting and Pen Shortcut)

You can also create your own shortcuts using the shortcut setting.


Since we have 5 [Touch Keys] available from the Edge Keyboard, let's give them a command so we can make use of it. I prefer using Auto Action for this part.


Go to [Menu] > [Shortcut Settings]


1 .From there you can [Select a category] from the setting area

2. [Double Click function] > [enter desired key]

3. Click [Add shortcut]

4. Click [ok]






To all who are curious, I am using a Xiaomi Mipad 5 with Xiaomi Pen.

While Xiaomi Pen doesn't have much advantages like Galaxy Pen for Clip Studio Paint.



Thankfully, the application detects the two buttons of my pen.


To take advantage of this situation, I want to use one of the buttons as an undo function.


Let's go to:

[Menu] > [Shortcut setting change] > [Click desired function] > [Optional: Add Shortcut] > [While the Pen is connect to the tablet, click the button]


The application detects it as page down and page up.


Of course if I want to, I can use it to change as eraser and pen but I prefer undo



Air Action is an exclusive function for S pen so sadly I can't use it.

I have only use Xiaomi Pen so I'm not really sure for other pen if it work.



Companion Mode

Companion mode is a feature that allows the smartphone to become a handheld controller that links to the tablet or computer.


It will be elaborated in the second part of the tip. Please do visit it if you want to explore companion mode with me.

Thank you for reading! See you on the next part~



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