How I use simple mode on my smartphone


Annady art

Annady art


Hello viewers, am Annady and I love using clips studio for my artwork, I have being using clips studio for like four mouth now and I love it, simple mode as the name implies is more easy to understand than studio mode because studio mode has many work tools than that of simple mode.

I am so happy using simple mode cause simple mode is great for a beginner and it help simplify things like setting and settings for those of us using smartphone to draw, so for today's illustration we be looking at how one as a beginner can use simple mode on smartphone.

2) How to get to simple mode from studio mode,

Now, when one open clip studio paint for the first time, it will first start with Studio and at that point as a beginner, u may tend to ask yourself how do I get to simple mode? first of all, I say if you are confronted with such a issues it ok,

All you need do is create a New canvas, in the new created canvas by your left hand side you will see the menu icon which look like three bar on top each other, click on it.

Then, the menu setting will appear with some selection options, select the second options above called simple mode (1).



It will switch to simple mode,



3) My favorite features in simple mode with are help to me.

Simple is so usingful and comprehensive that it has help make my drawing process easy, but before we go further I will like to show beginners the way I set simple mode settings and the various features I found very use to me and tend to call my favorite.



1) Menu setting.

In simple mode, we have the menu by your right hand side, click it and the menu will show you six collection,

1. share image

2. share template

3. flip horizontal view

4. canvas setting

5. preference

6. switch to studio mode

a) preference setting,

But for now, I will start by click selecting option called preference indicated (1),

It will then show you some selection. Which are

1. Dark mode

2. Brush cursor

3. Touch gesture

4. draw with finger

5. touch gesture (under the gesture they are some few more selection options)

With that, I first press the (2) switch TURN ON the (1) Dark mode to make everything on my canvas background display Dark.



Next number (1) brush cursor, Clicking on it will show three selection namely (hide, brush shape and lastly the circle) noted (2) which is a mini dashboard in the below image, I do just leave it at (brush circle) which when I use draw my stroke makes the appear of my brush cursor round circle.



For the ADJUST TOUCH GESTURE helps setting the brush cursor to any side away from where your pressing.

If we disable the draw with finger identify (3), we will not be able to draw with our fingers but we can just be able to draw with stylus pen only. So I always just enable it.


Now for the lastly selection options identify as (4), I just enable all of them to give me great gesture which can help me when I draw.

b) Flip horizontal view,

If we click on the flip horizontal view selection noted (1) which can be located in the menu, we will notice that the image or draw on our canvas will flip to the left side and we will then see an icon noted (2) appearing on the top left corner of the canvas.



And if we click on the icon on the top left corner of the canvas, the image or drawing will return to it's original position.



c) Canvas setting,

In the canvas setting, we tend to see the following selection options such as:



1. change canvas size,


According to what the name is change canvas size, we can use this selection to change the size of the canvas if the previous setting is not what we wanted.



And if we are done with changing the canvas size, we can just click on ok on top of the canvas.

2. resize all,

This setting is also similar to that of change canvas size but it has its own additional features that I like such as resolution, scale.

3. Stop recording time-lapse,


Just as the name is, it will show you a Red line, if click you STOP RECORDING TIME-LAPSE, and any recording up to this point will be deleted. This operation cannot be undone



d) Share image,

This option allow us export our created image by clicking on (2) SHARE button which will then take us from the studio into our storage in the format we want it to be, which can be done using (1) SHARE FORMAT.

e) share time-lapse

While in share time-lapse, similar to share image allows us to share the process of the creation in a video format which can be done by clicking on (3) SHARE and that is not just the coolest thing yet, we can also adjust the length, size and ratio of the recorded video using the selection in the number (2) box while the (1) if enable allows us the watermark of clip studio paint to be displayed at the top right hand side.

f) switch to studio mode

This selection is where if we want to change it back to studio mode, Clicking on the on the SWITCH TO STUDIO MODE will taking us from studio mode back to studio mode.



2. What that makes simple mode unique.

Simple mode is mostly unique cause it is basically made with beginners at heart. This mode doesn't have many setting like Studio but if you have use studio mode before you will see that simple is as the name implies the simple format of studio mode which means that mainly most of the basic settings, gestures, material and sub tools that are in the studio mode can be found in simple mode.


Hence, I will like to point out some of the features I make use of when draw which are very helpful to me when I draw and I believe that it can also be helpful to beginners as well.



Finger gestures,

In Clip Studio Paint, you can use touch gestures to perform various operations. Here are some key points about gestures in Clip Studio Paint:


• You can use different tools with both your fingers and pen. By swiping with one finger, you can switch between using the current tool or the tool assigned as a touch gesture.

• Or tap with two fingers to undo your strokes.

• While when you tap with three fingers redo your strokes.



Sub tools arrangements,

In simple mode canvas at the bottom, we will see five set of sub tools icon which we can work with which are similar to that of the palette, edit and command bar that are in the studio mode.

Among the five sub tool icon, the first ones by the left hand side which allows us to switch noted (1) and (4) between the brush and the eraser sub tool.

• When we are using the brush sub tool noted (1) clicking on it will make it switch to eraser sub tool (4) and we will notice that the next icon will also change as noted (2) to (5).

And I will like for us to brush through it, above it is the opacity which is noted (1) and brush size noted (2), we can adjusted the size of any brush sub tool we are using with the bar noted (2) below while if we want to reduce or increase the opacity can be done with the noted (1) see as the two bars on the edit bar.


Also one can increase or reduce both the size and the opacity of the brush sub tool by clicking on the number on the left side of both the brush size (2) and opacity (1) bar, a plus and minus sign will appear which I noted (3) and (4), which clicking on the plus sign makes it increase and clicking on the minus sign will make it reduce.

Now, clicking on the second icon noted (1) from the left hand side, a mini dashboard noted (2) will appear on top will different selections but for now let's just select the brush Sub tool noted (3).



Next is the third icon noted (1), clicking on it will open a mini dashboard (2) will appear with the different brush Sub tools such as pen, pencil, eraser and more, but let's just stick with that of pencil sub tool noted (3) for now.



For the four icon noted (1), when click on a colour dashboard will appear with two types of selection as follows: colour set noted (2) and colour sliders noted (3).



And lastly is the fifth icon noted (1), if we click on it the Layer features noted (2) will become visible and if we click on it again will turn it invisible. And when we drag on it to the left will make the Layer dashboard bigger which is noted (3).



(iii) Simple functionality of the material in simple mode,

I seem to really enjoy the way which clip studio paint make (simple mode) material such as 3D model, background, speedline material more easier than ever to reach.

To get to the material, we start by clicking on the icon at the top right side that looks like an image noted (1), a mini dashboard(2 and 5) with three selection name as follows [all material noted (3), favorite and lastly history noted (4)],

When in either all material or history selection in the material dashboard, on each material there are some kind of a love shape on them that if we click on,



Take the material to the favorite section which is the second selection.



When one the material in the material dashboard onto the canvas the material will be import onto the canvas,



And then the word (edit 3D layer) will appear above the model, clicking on it will then take us to the 3D model set up setting where one can now either set the following:

1. Apply pose material,

2. Use body shape material,

3. Swap into female gender,

4. Swap into male gender,

5. Spot for changing the height of the 3D model character.

6. Camera details,

The first number 1, is the place which when select takes us to where we can change the poses of our material.


While number 3, 4 and 5 are self explanatory when selected or adjusted.

If we stroll down will another set of selection (head to body ratio) which help us quick change the increase as noted (1) or reduce as noted (2), the size of head of the 3D figure model to make it look like either a child or a chibi character,



Scroll left, it we will take us another sets of selection in the[camera details] which is the perspective and apply angle preset. perspective, when at point 1.0 the 3d model is normal as noted but when at point 50.6 or more it affects the 3d model from it feet.

That now leave us with the last [apply angle preset] noted as (3) above, which one can get to by swap left that will take us to camera details where one can change the angle to which the 3D figure is viewed Such as the frontward view noted (1) or the sideward view noted (2).

Their is something I love doing when I am using 3D figures on simple mode and it is making sure that the figures which I want to relax on the other taking the other layer from the top down.



Then lastly for the 3D material, are three setting noted (1) Camera adjustment, (2) material movement and (3) light position icons.



1) Camera adjustment,

When enable give the us the ability to adjust the camera viewing position as shown in image (1) and (2).

2) Material movement,

What enable give us the flexibility to move the canvas to any position as shown in image (1) and (2).

3) Light position icons,

When enable gives us the ability to adjust the position of the light source on the objects as shown in image (1) and (2).

4) My own step by step drawing process using simple mode.

At this point, with main settings and features well brush through and understood, we can now move on to using simple mode to create an image from scratch or start to the end showing the step by step process.

For today's illustration, we will be starting the drawing process by creating a new layer noted (1) in the image below, I draw a child in a toy car crying loud for her mother to hear and come an carry her because she see a cat ghoul which I am naming (Bastet) coming to her on top of the table by her side, and with that done we now have the line art noted (2) of our piece,

With the line art now done, move onto create two other layer below the line art layer, add some brown and yellow to the draw to give it a background, then I add a folder by clicking on folder icon with the plus sign noted (1), I now take the background layer noted (3) an place them in the folder noted (2).



Now that the background is done, one can now craete another layer above the [background folder], add a base colour of whitish blue and yellow to the cat (bastet).

I create another new layer noted (1) the last, added so whitish blue colour around the ghoul cat body noted (2) using an airbrush to make the cat is body blur and spirits-like.



Above the layer mentioned above, I create a new layer noted (1) which I then added some yellowish glow emitting from the eyes of the ghoul cat noted (2).



Then I also create another folder using the Folder with the plus icon noted (1) named the Folder (Bastet the Egyptian ghoul cat) Noted (2) and I then take all the layer noted (3) for BASTET and place them in side the Folder.



Following that, I create a new layer noted (1) above the ghoul cat Folder, add some base colour such as grey, blue and the primary colours to the alphabet (A,B,C and D) that are on the child toy car in the below image.



Then I move forward to create another layer noted (1) and then I add base colour to the child figure drawing noted (2) in the scene,



And another thing the best exercise simple mode is the way it display it's settings like if we look closely are the below expression, the two layers noted (1) are Clip onto the bottom layer noted (3) by clicking on the Clip icon noted (2) [at the right hand side located on the mini dashboard that appear when one click on the layer again after it appears].



Also one can get to the clip setting and other settings by clicking on the three little dots below noted (4) the mini dashboard shown above.

After that is done another mini dashboard be will appear with more settings which were not displayed on the previous mini dashboard before this one; for now the only settings I will be working with is Clip to layer below and Lock transparent pixel with my blending mode set to [multiply].

Next, I move on create a new layer noted (1) and added some soft and hard edge light reflections to the residents object such as the both side cupboards, the baby and the baby toy car which are need (2).



I also then added some more expression of light and shadow onto the scene,



On a another new layer noted (1) which I set to [multiply].



Now I also repeat the same process as I have been doing by taking the designated layer that has the child colouring process , create a folder noted (2) change the name to (child) for easy understanding and place the layers in it.



With the above done, we have render the image to a great height but let's not just stop here let's push even further.



I then continue by now creating another layer noted (1), set this layer blending mode to [colour dodge] and then add some brownish colour to give it that special glow effect and I also use the decoration brush noted (2) called star to add so blue glowing star effect as well.



Using the decoration sub tool brush which are located in simple mode brush tools,

I create another layer noted (1) above the [color dodge] layer, I then use the second sub tool brush shown above to add some round glow edge effect into the scene to give it that fantasy look.



I then return back to the background folder noted (1), create a new layer (2) in between the other two layers, add some more details to the window behind the foreground characters as noted (2) in the left image.



And with that done, I getting to the [menu]>[share image]> set the format which for me is PNG, then click on [share].



The masterpiece is finish and below is the finish work.



I then export the artwork time-lapse by getting to the [menu]>[share time-lapse]> set the record setting to what you want and then click on [share].



Here is the time-lapse of the artwork.




Thank you everyone for going through this illustration article, I hope it was helpful in one way or the other, I hope to hear from you but for now bye-bye.



2) resize all,

In simple mode we have the menu by your right hand side, click it and the menu will show you six collection,

1) share image

2) share template

3) flip horizontal view

4) canvas setting

5) preference

6) switch to studio mode

In simple mode we have the menu by your right hand side, click it and the menu will show you six collection,

1) share image

2) share template

3) flip horizontal view

4) canvas setting

5) preference

6) switch to studio mode

In simple mode we have the menu by your right hand side, click it and the menu will show you six collection,

1) share image

2) share template

3) flip horizontal view

4) canvas setting

5) preference

6) switch to studio mode



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