To increase the clarity of your eyes!
Have you ever thought, "I want the eyes to be more transparent!" or "I can't make the eyes sparkle at all!"? For people like you, I'll teach you the blending modes and drawing methods I use to draw sparkling eyes!
The first thing is to "make good use of division layers"!
Make a new layer by gripping on top of the layer that you filled in the inside of the eyes, and make it a division layer (I recommend an opacity of about 20%!) and paint it with a gray color that's close to black. Personally, I think this really increases the transparency!!
↓If you remove the division layer from the eye illustration above,
The second thing is to use a layer with a blending mode called Linear Burn for the iris in the eye! The iris is a part of the eye that can greatly change the impression of the eye depending on how you draw it, so if you use a blending mode called Linear Burn for it, you can create vivid and transparent eyes!! I'm still an apprentice artist, so I think there are many areas where I'm lacking, so it might be a good idea to look at other artists who are OK with references. That's all! I hope it was helpful🤝