3. Introduction of digital time sheet function



  • This article is in Japanese. On sites other than Japanese, machine translation is done.


I will introduce other functions of the digital time sheet.

[1] Stretch / Unsharp

We will show you how to cut out / stretch arbitrary places.



① When all the cells (layers) are stretched / hollowed at once


Select an arbitrary range and select [Right Click] → [Insert Frame into All Layers]. * To delete a blank, select [Delete all layers].



② When only some cells (layers) are stretched / hollowed at once


Select an arbitrary range and select [Right Click] → [Insert Frame]. * To delete a blank, select [Delete Frame].

[2] Cell (layer) movement

We will show you how to shift part of the set timing.



■ Shift any range


Select an arbitrary range and click [Right Click] → right drag & drop to an arbitrary place.

[3] Display of dummy coma

We will show you how to display the dummy coma at the beginning / end.



① Select command


Check [Display (D)] → [Start dummy coma display].



② Display


A dummy comma for one second is displayed at the beginning.

[4] Creation of simple content animation

I will show you the method of exporting a simple Confucius movie.



① Select command


Enter the necessary sheet information and select [Tool (T)] -> [Create Simple Container Movie].



② Select an image


Select the image to be used for the contour shoot. A file with the same header name as the name of each cell column is selected. In case

※ Image file naming convention <header (cell) name>. <0 filled 4 digits original picture number> .jpg example) A.0001.jpg

** When cells overlap at the same timing, such as A cell and B cell, they are output as multiplication.



③ Write out the movie


Select the location to export the movie and press [Save]. → The "Contour Movie Creation Setting" window will appear.



④ Select color and position of serif bold


Select the color and position of dialogue bold with "Container animation creation setting" → Press [OK] or press Enter. Containing movie will be exported to the location specified in ③.



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