Draw clouds with different expressions using various tools




I think the sky is an important element to draw fantasy backgrounds.

Here we will explain how to draw clouds.

You can draw different touch clouds by changing the tools and brushes used.


Clouds are drawn using two layers, a primer layer and a shadow layer.

Clip to the primer layer and apply shadows.

A. Oil paint

It is a three-dimensional cloud.

1. First take a rough form with a flat brush. I will draw in an image that draws many short lines.

2. Draw further with gouache.

3. Apply a shadow. Use a gouache brushstroke.

4. Match the shadow with gouache and gouache brushstrokes. Move the brush to draw a semicircle from lower right to upper left.

5. Adjust the shape by modifying the undercoat layer or scraping with a transparent color.

I used gouache, gouache brushstrokes, dry gouache, and pointillism.

6. Make a finish. I added more on the left side to emphasize the three-dimensional effect.

The shadow is also positive. It will be completed if it blurs a part of the outline with only a little bite.

B. Watercolor

It is fluffy and smooth clouds.

1. First, take a rough shape with opaque watercolor. Move the brush sideways and draw.

2. Draw further with opaque and transparent watercolors.

3. Apply shadows with opaque watercolors.

4. Blend shadows with opaque and transparent watercolors. Because the shadow was a bit dark, I added a light blue and let it fit.

5. Add shape to the base layer and shadow layer. I used opaque watercolor, transparent watercolor, fill & blend.

The color of the shadows has been made even lighter and fresher. Move the brush to the side to make the shape of the cloud conform to the sky.

C. Lasso

It is a cloud that worked well.

1. Prime using the lasso tool. I am aware of the shape of connecting some ellipses.

2. Apply a shadow with the Lasso tool. I am conscious of a slightly flat shape. This is completed.

D. Choke

It is a cloud that makes good use of the shape of the brush.

1. Take a rough form first.

2. Adjust the shape while moving the brush so as to hit a point.

3. Apply a shadow. Move the brush to make a point. This is completed.

E. Coarse watercolor

It is a cloud that makes good use of the shape of the brush.

1. Take a rough form first. Draw a series of short lines with overlapping images.

2. Draw in more.

3. Apply a shadow. Move the brush so that you hit a point.

4. Add shape to the base layer and shadow layer. I am conscious of the three-dimensional effect. This is completed.

This is the end of this making.

Thank you for reading so far!



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