Quick sketching oilpainting




I will share with you a drawing in the style that I love so much - a sketch. I do not try not to go beyond the lines when painting, I correct the lines directly in the picture, and allow me to guide me through the canvas and discover new details.

Okay, let's get started!


In this tutorial, I want to show how I draw in the style of quick sketching. It turns out bright and catchy. Usually I choose to focus on the hero and objects in the foreground. Other details I draw in less detail.


STEP 1: Sketching

The tool for sketching Darker Pencil 10. In my work I prefer to use 2 - 3 colors, they are also the source for shadows and midtones.

Create a new layer for each plan.

Each time I create a new layer, for the foreground and background. In a separate layer is the character.


Step 2: Based Background color

1. Start with creating a new layer UNDER the line layer, so it won't cover all your line sketch.

Never start to color without creating a layer with background color first.


2. Define a light source and start accenting

3. Identify the dark and light patches

STEP 3: Coloring

Start painting your character and add details to the items. My palette is randomly selected, it all depends on the mood. Apply strokes freely, not trying to get into the lines, on the contrary, a small line exit will add ease to your work.

Choose Oil Paint Flat Brush 80.

I used three primary colors Pink H3 S29 V93; Blue H216 S27 V72; Brown H5 S24 V55;

You can see that they are often repeated, because in this way the work looks more harmonious.

Step 4: The details

Make sure the light parts are highlighted and the dark ones are darkened. Do not forget to arrange all glare from the light. Shadows from warm light should be colder. Note: in order for the overall color to look good, make sure that all the primary colors are used in each object with varying strengths.

I prefer to leave sketch lines. So the picture looks cartoonish

Congratulations, you have reach the rest of my tutorial.

Thank you so much for reading 'til this part.



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