Speed Painting - Re draw photos in manga style




Hello my name is Rodrigo, I am a photographer and I like illustration, especially manga.

I wanted to share a simple way to draw on a photo, to give it a manga style. Thanks to Clip Studio it is really something simple and fun, I will leave step-by-step instructions easy so you can re-draw whatever you can think of! we start ..

1- Prepare canvas and add photo

  • We will go to New> illustration> Accept.

Then we will drag the image to our canvas, adjust it and reduce the option to work better on the photo

2 - Working lines in vectors

  • We will create a new vector layer and place it above our photo.
  • We will draw the outline of our character with the Tools:

Figure (U)> continuous curve.

Pen (P)> G-Pen.

Once our line work is finished we can continue with the filling, experiment with the different types of gradients and textures to give it a manga style.

3 - Monochromatic Pattern

  • We will use the Monochromatic Pattern to fill in our drawing, found in Window> Materials.


  • To use them first we have to select our line layer, then the Auto select tool (W)

we click on the part we want to fill in and then select the monochromatic pattern that you like the most and drag it to the selected part.

  • In properties of the layer we can regulate the frequency of our filling, making the largest or smallest points, experiment until you find the one you like.

Repeat this step in each part of the drawing combining different parts and frequencies to complete your drawing.

  • At the end of our drawing begins to take a manga look, now we have to work the background with gradients and textures.

4 - Manga Gradient

  • To add gradients, we select our layer of background lines, and click on the part we want to fill with the Auto select tool (W).

Then we go to the Gradient> sleeve gradient tool and apply it to the selected area.

Repeat until you paint the entire background.

  • After experimenting with textures and gradients we will have our background ready.

(There are thousands of free resources to download in the Clip studio Assets, be sure to investigate which ones can be used for your work)

5 - Final details

  • With some effects of the materials and some more gradients on our character we have our work finished!
  • Final score

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