Perspective ruler of 3D models for backgrounds




Hi, I'm Jumep!

This time, I want to show you how to use the perspective rules that 3D models bring to make our own backgrounds, but first I want to share a simple guide to make vanishing point backgrounds.

For the example I am going to use two characters as a reference to determine the Horizon Line of the background.

A vanishing point - basic trick.

The first thing I will do is reduce the size of the character (B), I can do it in the tab [Edit] - [Transform] - [Scale / Rotate] or with the command (Ctrl + T)

in this case the size of the character (B) only determines how far or close it is to the character (A).

Then I draw two lines that cover the height of the heads of both characters, the red dot marks the intersection of the two lines. This point marks the location of the horizon line.

The horizon line indicates the height of the view or the camera.

Rule of a vanishing point.

Now if we do the same with the perspective ruler of a vanishing point it will give us the same result, for this we go to the tool bar and select the tool

[Ruler] - [Perspective Ruler]

Now we place the perspective lines the same as the previous example.

The blue line that shows the ruler is the horizon line.

If we draw on the ruler, the strokes will follow the guide lines and we can draw our background.

the sketch of the background are done very quickly in order to only be explanatory in the process. You can also move the ruler and vanishing point with the [Operation] - [Object] tool to change the nature of the background.


Well so far this little guide. Now I will explain how to use the rules of 3D models.

Ruler of 3D models.

Setting perspective rulers manually, from one vanishing point to three vanishing points requires a broad understanding of the nature of perspectives which can often be difficult for those of us who are just learning, however, 3D models They bring a rule that we can take advantage of without any problem to make our own funds.

Suppose I can draw the sketch of my character in a certain angle or perspective, but I don't know how the perspective of the background behaves in relation to my character.

the good news is that we can use a 3D pose to use the perspective ruler that these models bring.


To use it, we just have to go to [Materials] - [3D] - [Pose] and select any pose.

We drag the 3D pose onto the canvas and adjust the pose with the object operation bar so that it is in the same perspective as the sketch.

To activate the ruler, just go to the 3D pose layer and click on the ruler icon.

If we lower the opacity of the 3D pose layer, we can hide the model so we will only see the perspective ruler and the sketch.

Now we can draw on this rule to make our own backgrounds.

We can make use of the rule of the 3D models to draw backgrounds in any perspective, having the sketch of the character is easier to get the perspective we want, although it is not necessary to take advantage of the rule.

In this example I did the same process as in the previous one, [materials] - [3D] - [Pose], I selected the pose and adjusted it to the perspective of the sketch, then I activated the ruler on the layer of the 3D pose and made the background sketch.


The final finish of the background depends on the time we dedicate to the details.

Using the perspective ruler of 3D models is very useful to make comic backgrounds or make illustrations, especially if we do not have previous studies on perspective.

Well friends, I hope this explanation serves as a guide, you can watch the video to better follow the process, thanks for reading and see you next time.

Video of the process.



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