How to draw the orc character of chibis




Hello everyone! This time, we will provide another concept teaching of Chibi character. As the title says, it is based on orcs, and in addition to humans, you will add changes to your character.

I will simply classify different types of orcs, from a wide range of heads/body/hands and feet to the eyes, ears and mouths of the face. Although Chibi is mainly cute and rounded style, I will bring some cool elements into it. Let the sense of the whole without losing the wild feeling of the orc.



The three head shapes and changes of the orcs

With the circle as the center of change, it is better to distinguish the different face shapes of various creatures.

The sharper the chin of the face to the left, the more lateral development. To the right, the face shape and the chin are flatter, and the head shape develops upward.


The fan-shaped face is suitable for the canine family. The mouth shape on the side is different from the round shape. It is more rectangular and is more suitable for wolves or foxes. As for the flat face on the far left, I used a raccoon as an example, but in fact, the nose and mouth are not necessarily sharp, and can be transformed into Persian cats and other species with a round mouth in the middle, and vice versa. , Other face shapes can also be matched with different mouth shapes to become the character you want.


The round face is suitable for cats or some dog species/small-billed birds, and the side is also round. If you replace it with a small beak, it will be another cute creature.


The face on the right is suitable for reptiles or eagles, but there can be many changes in this category. For example, by adding a circular auxiliary line, it can become a horse, deer and other ungulates, and the nose can also be transformed into an image. Special categories like pigs and elephants.

Face ratio

Cats and dogs are more mainstream in creative themes, so this time I take the three-headed round face as an example.

In the nine-square grid, each of the five senses occupies a grid. Pay attention to the shape of the chibi's face. Generally, the size of the eyes must be larger than the other five senses, and the nose and mouth should be squeezed in the same grid. The range of the ear (or the corner) occupies the upper left and the upper right grid. If you are not sure how to mark the position of the ear, use the corner of the eye as a reference position and extend it upward to be the position of the ear.

The face ratio of the two-headed body is smaller and more cute than that of the three-headed body.

The eyes and the mouth are more concentrated, so the forehead is larger. Compared with the above example, the size of the mouth and nose will be smaller. The principle of big eyes remains the same, and it must be the largest in the face.

All kinds of facial features

Here provides various types of facial features, allowing you to create or refer to your character appearance.



Ears or horns

Proportion of three heads and limbs

Three different body types will be explained here for reference for your Chibi character

Divided into slim/medium/strong, here we almost omit the waist part, most of the pictures can use large circles (or squares) and small circles to draw the body shape you need.

My example here is that the composition of animals is higher than that of humans. You can decide for yourself whether to apply the human template to your hands and feet, especially the parts of the feet. If you wear shoes on your character, then the human legs will also look better. Be more comfortable.



Combining two columns, unlike a human arm, the palm of the hand is larger than the connecting point (elbow). Generally, cat/dog palms look rounder on the chibi. Then just follow your personal role, etc. The score line is just fine.

But if you need to add finger details (such as bird claws/amphibious reptiles/dragons, etc.), after dividing the number of fingers, use the circle as the thickness and position of the fingers, and draw the shape you need. This On the side is a hand that demonstrates the lizard type.

The drawing method of bird's wings and feathers is recommended to be small-large-small, as this change is more natural.



The leg part is more complicated than the arm. We start with a slightly inclined column shape. In order to make it look natural, in the second step, we mark the shape of the legs and feet, and in the third step, the knees and toes Draw it out.

Other species can be changed from the second step to the 3-1 or 3-2.

Illustration: Comparison of human and Furry legs

This section is provided to people who have less contact with animal furry, and the relative position of the legs, so that we can better understand this teaching. In order to achieve the purpose, we will combine or omit certain muscles/joints and other details.

Proportion of two heads and limbs

The shape of the two-headed body is simpler than that of the three-headed body, with an arc-shaped body and a hexagonal body shape (please note that the hexagonal shape should be drawn rounded)



From the two-section style, it merges into a section of water drop shape, and the part near the shoulder of the tip can be drawn more round, increasing the change of the hand, just like the drawing method of the three-headed body arm.

However, only hoofed animals have the same basic shape as their legs, and you can also highlight the joints of the feet to make differences.



According to the example picture, the cat’s legs are wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The feet are close together. They are visually more dexterous and delicate. The dog’s legs are the same width up and down, so they look stronger and rougher. These two forms change. Out all kinds of species.

Concluding remarks

Thank you all for seeing here. At present, you have some basic concepts about Furry Chibi, the next step is to put it into practice in your work!



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