4.Coloring the Background




Compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10


As with the characters, you will color the background in Frames 1 and 3.


Changing the Saturated Lines

Edit the [Saturated line layer] you created according to the monochrome manga guide.


1 Click the [▼] mark next to the [Frame Border folder] on the [Layer] palette to close the folder.


2 Select the "Dark saturated line(curve)" layer and change the [Expression color] from [Monochrome] to [Color] on the [Layer Property] palette.


3 Select the [Object] sub tool from the [Operation] tool and configure the settings on the [Tool Property] palette as shown below.

Select dark pink as the [Main color] on the [Color Wheel] palette. This color is also applied as the [Main color] on the [Tool Property] palette.



The above settings have been changed to express the saturated lines suitably for a color manga. To configure the same settings as in the monochrome manga guide, use the settings in "Draw a Manga CLIP STUDIO PAINT: Monochrome Guide" → "Inking the Background" → "Inking the Effect Lines".


4 Select the [Window] menu → [Sub Tool Detail] to display the [Sub Tool Detail] palette.


5 Select [Middle] for [Anti-aliasing] on the [Sub Tool Detail] palette.


Turning on [Anti-aliasing] allows you to express colors in different tones.



The [Sub Tool Detail] palette allows you to edit all settings relating to the tool, including those that are not displayed on the [Tool Property] palette.


6 The saturated lines are now complete.


Changing the Stream Lines

Change the "Stream line" layer to color in the same way as with the saturated lines.


1 Select the "Stream line" layer and change the [Expression color] from [Monochrome] to [Color] on the [Layer Property] palette.


2 Select dark blue on the [Color Wheel] palette. Select [Edit] menu → [Change color of line to drawing].


The color of the stream lines is changed to the color selected as the [Main color].


3 Turn on [Snap to Special Ruler] on the [Command Bar]. Draw along the special ruler to add more stream lines.


4 The stream lines are now complete.


Coloring with the Decoration Tool

Color the background of Frames 2 and 3 using the [Decoration] tool.


<Preparing the Layers>

Prepare the layers for drawing the background.


1 Click [Show/hide layer] next to the [Paper] layer on the [Layer] palette to hide the [Paper] layer.

When the [Paper] layer is hidden, the transparent parts are displayed in a checkered pattern.


2 On the [Layer] palette, select the "Draft" layer. Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette to create a raster layer.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frames 2-3: Background".


3 Select the [Selection] tool on the [Tool] palette and select [Polyline] on the [Sub tool] palette.


4 Use the [Polyline] tool to create a selection encompassing the area of Frames 2 and 3.


5 Select white as the sub color on the [Tool] palette and click [Fill] in the [Selection Launcher].


The area encompassing Frames 2 and 3 is filled in white.



If the sub color is not white, select the sub color and then select white on the [Color Set] palette or [Color Wheel] palette.


6 Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette to create a raster layer.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frames 2-3: Background 2".


7 Turn on [Clip at Layer Below] on the [Layer] palette.


Turn on [Clip at Layer Below] to confine the background drawing for Frame 2 to the area filled in white.


<Drawing the Background of Frame 2>

Use the [Decoration] tool to draw roses in the background of Frame 2.


1 Select the [Decoration] tool on the [Tool] palette, and then in the [Sub tools palette, select [Effect] > [Rose].

Note: The sub tools used in the examples are the default sub tools included in Ver. 1.10.9 or earlier.

Set [Brush Size] to "1000" and [Particle size] to "800" on the [Tool Property] palette.


For spray type brushes like the [Rose] brush, the [Brush Size] determines the area in which the pattern will be distributed and the [Particle size] determines the size of the pattern itself.


2 Select the main color on the [Color Wheel] palette and set pink as the drawing color. Check that the sub color is white.

The [Rose] brush uses the main color for the lines of the rose pattern and the sub color for the filled area.


3 Draw roses at the character's feet in the background of Frame 2.

The [Rose] brush varies the direction of the rose randomly. Draw in the general position where you would like to place the roses. If the roses are not drawn in the desired direction, undo the action by selecting the [Edit] menu → [Undo] and then draw the roses again.


4 To correct an area, select the [Lasso] sub tool from the [Selection] tool and surround the area to be corrected.


5 Select the [Edit] menu → [Transform] → [Scale up/Scale down/Rotate] and then scale the pattern up slightly and adjust the position to fit the shape of the frame.

When you have finished adjusting the position and size, double click to commit the transformation.


6 After you have finished scaling up/down, click the [Selection] menu → [Deselect] to deselect the selected area.


<Drawing the Background of Frame 3>

Use the [Gauze cloud] sub tool of the [Decoration] tool to add texture to the background of Frame 3.


1 Select the [Gradient] tool on the [Tool] palette and select [Foreground to transparent] on the [Sub tool] palette.


2 Select purple on the [Color Wheel] palette and draw a downward gradient from the top of the frame.


3 Select the [Decoration] tool on the [Tool] palette and select [Hatching and sand pattern] → [Gauze cloud] on the [Sub tool] palette.

Set the brush size to "700" on the [Tool Property] palette.


4 Touch up the background of Frame 3 in dark blue.


<Drawing Over the Background Color>

1 Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette to create a raster layer.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frame 3: Overpaint".


2 Turn on [Clip at Layer Below] on the [Layer] palette.


3 Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette to create a raster layer.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frame 3: Overpaint".


4 Change the [Blending mode] of the "Frame 2: Overpaint" layer to [Multiply]. Turn on [Clip at Layer Below].


5 Use the [Soft] sub tool of the [Airbrush] tool to draw a pink gradient on the "Frame 2: Overpaint" layer.

Set the [Brush Size] to around "1200".


6 Select the [Thick paint] tool from the [Tool] palette, and then select [Paint and apply] in the [Sub tool] palette. Draw over the [Frame 3: Overpaint] layer in pale purple and white.

Set the [Brush Size] to 200-300.


7 Click [New Layer Folder] on the [Layer] palette. Change the name of the created folder to "Background".


8 Drag and drop the layers containing the background for Frames 2 and 3 into the "Background" folder and click the "▼" mark to close the folder.


9 Click [Show/hide layer] for the [Paper] layer to hide the [Paper] layer.


1 0The background of Frames 2 and 3 is now complete.



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