5.Coloring Inside the Border Lines (Frame Borders)




The "Border" frame border folder contains the layers on which the character and background of Frame 4 have been drawn. Create a layer for coloring in the [Frame Border folder] and color the frame.


Coloring the Character in Frame 4

1 Select the "Characters 2" layer in the "Border" folder on the [Layer] palette and click [New Raster Layer].

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Skin 2".


2 Drag the "Skin 2" layer so that it is immediately below the "Characters 2" layer.



·The "Characters 2" layer contains the main lines. Moving the “Layer 1" layer immediately below the "Characters 2" layer ensures that the content added with the [Fill] tool and [Pen] tool does not cover the line drawing.

· Move any layers by dragging the grip on the right side of the layer when using the tablet or smartphone versions.


3 Color the "Skin 2" layer.

Click the [Fill] tool and then select [Refer other layers] from the [Sub tool] palette. Click the areas to be colored to fill them with the base color.


4 Draw over these areas by following the same steps as in "Coloring the Characters".


5 Color the other areas to finish coloring the character in Frame 4.


Coloring the Background

1 On the [Layer] palette, click [Show/hide layer] next to the "Dense flash", "Stream line" and "Dark saturated line(curve)" layers to hide these layers.


2 Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette and change the stacking order so that the created layer is at the bottom of the "Frame Border" folder.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frames 1-4: Background".


3 Use the [Rectangle] sub tool of the [Selection] tool to create a selection encompassing the area of Frame 4.


4 Select the [Gradient] tool on the [Tool] palette and select [Foreground to background] on the [Sub tool] palette.


5 On the [Color Wheel] palette, set pale blue as the main color and beige as the sub color.


6 Draw a gradient from left to right.

After you have finished drawing the gradient, click the [Selection] menu → [Deselect] to deselect the selected area.


7 Use the [Soft] sub tool of the [Airbrush] tool to add the ground color of the background in Frame 1.


8 Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frames 1-4: Background 2".


9 Use the [G-pen] sub tool of the [Pen] tool to draw the shadows of the characters and the small items scattered in the background.


1 0Click [Show/hide layer] next to the "Dense flash", "Stream line" and "Dark saturated line (curve)" layers to show these layers.



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