Let’s create materials! An introduction to drawing tools: ① Basics






[1] About Sub Tools

In CLIP STUDIO PAINT, the individual tools are called “Sub Tool”. A Sub Tool can be further classified as “Tool” depending on its use. The “Tool” can also be further subdivided into “Groups” based on its use.


Drawing tool can be used as variety of tools depending on its configuration.

For example, the [Pen] tool can be used like the [Eraser] by changing its settings.

While you can draw because the [Blending mode] of the [Pen] tool is set to Normal,


You can erase with the tool, when the [Blending mode] is set to [Erase].


The drawing tools, depending on their intended use, are divided into the following “Tools”. These tools are registered the same way the materials are registered.


[2] Creating drawing tools using images

There are some drawing tools that use [Image] as the brush tip, while other do not.

[Sub Tools that uses images as the brush tip]


[Sub Tools that uses not the image, but the “Circle” as the brush tip]


To create a new Sub Tool brush tip that uses an image, the following three steps are necessary.

(1) Register an image as the tip image for the brush

(2) Create a new Sub Tool

(3) Set the brush tip image for the Sub Tool


■1.Register an image as the tip image for the brush


① Draw the image that is going to be used as the tip on a layer.


② Select [Edit] menu → [Register Material] → [Image]


③ Make the following settings in the [Material property] dialog, and click [OK] when it is completed.


  • Enter a [Material name]

  • Check [Use for brush tip shape] (If this is not checked, the image will not be loaded as the brush tip.)

  • Specify the [Location to save material] While at default status there is [Image material] → [Brush] setting, it is no problem to specify a folder you have created in advance.


■2.Create a new Sub Tool


The procedure for using the registered image as a tool is as follows.


① Select the tool you would like to create from the [Tool] palette, and then select the group you want to register in the [Sub Tool] palette.


② Select [Show Menu] → [Create Custom Sub Tool] in the upper left of the Sub Tool palette.


③ Make the following settings in the [Create custom sub tool] dialog box and click [OK] when finished.


  • Enter a [Name]

  • Select [Direct draw] for [Output process] For drawing tools, select [Direct draw].

  • Select [Brush] for [Input process] Depending on the term of use, select the [Input process]. These settings can be changed afterwards, but choose something close to the intended use.

  • Select the [Tool icon] Any image can be used.


  • If you turn on the [Background color of icon] and select the color, that color appears on the background of the tool icon.

  • [Input process] has the following options other than [Brush]. For drawing tools either [Brush], [Pen] or [Eraser] can be used


④ When registration is complete, the newly created [Sub Tool] is added to the bottom of the [Sub Tool] palette.


■3.Set the brush tip image for the Sub Tool


① With the created sub tool selected, select the [Sub Tool Detail] palette → [Brush tip] → [Material] and click [Click here to add tip shape].


② Select the registered image in the [Select brush tip shape] dialog and click [OK].


With this you can use the image as the tip in the created Sub Tool. Thereafter, set each option appropriately and register the adjusted settings in the initial setting.

You can create new tools more efficiently by duplicating sub tools that are close to what you want to create.


[3] How to select an image to register

When registering an image as a material, you can either choose the method of selecting only the image or select with the empty space around it.

Depending on the selection method, the results will vary, so it is necessary to register the image according to its purpose.


■1.Selecting only the image



1) Register the image by selecting the layer

If only the image to register is present on the layer, select that layer and register it as a brush material.

Let’s register the following image as a brush.



<[The three images are drawn on separate layers]>


① In the [Layer] palette, select the layer on which the image to be registered is drawn.


②When using [Register image as material] in this state, only the [Square] will be registered.


2) Register the image using [Shrink selection]

When something other than the image to register is drawn on the layer, and you try to register it by selecting the layer…


<[Status when three images are drawn on the same layer]>


other images will also be registered.


In such case, the image can be selected using the [Shrink selection].


① Select [Tool] palette → [Marquee] tool → [Sub Tool] palette → [Shrink selection]


② When circling the image to use, only the [Square] can be selected.


Since only the image to use is selected, it can be registered as it is as a material.


■2.Selecting the shape with the surrounding space


1) Register the image as a material including the surrounding space

① Draw the image that you would like to register on the layer.


② Select the [Marquee] tool → [Rectangle] and then select the image and the surrounding space.


③ Use [Register Image as Material] in this state.


2) The difference between registering a material as “Image only” and “With surrounding space”

When using [Shrink selection], selection is made in the shape of enclosed image.

For example, when shrink selecting an image like the one below, the selection will be as follows.


In this condition, the brush size will be based on the size as follows.


Next, select the image with the surrounding space in rectangle. In this case, the brush size will be based on the size of the complete selection..


If you configure the two brushes the same way, it becomes as follows.


3) Brush sizes when registration is “Image only” vs. “With surrounding space”

The left image shows the registered image brush using [Shrink selection]. If you draw with the registered pattern brush, and set the [Gap] to 100%, the cricle would been drawn tightly connected. This is beacause, only the circle is used as the tip image of the brush.


The right image shows a bursh that has registerd with the upper left space of an image. If you draw with the registered pattern brush, and set the [Gap] to 100%, the cicle would be drawn connected and keep its spacing. This is because, the brush tip image is used including the surrounding space.


The original image is the same for both the left and right, but when you set the pen sizes to the same size, the right image will include the surrounding space, so the actual image will be smaller.


4) Example for registering an image “With surrounding space”

As an example, when using multiple tip images for one brush, use this method to express a difference in image sizes.

If you would like to use the pink circle and the blue circle below for one brush, while also maintaining the size proportions,


and if you have registered the images only as the brush tip images for both, the pink circle and the blue circle, via the layer selection, both circles would be shown with the same size, as seen below.


Register the blue circle as a brush tip shape, after selecting it with a rectangle at the size of the pink circle.


Doing so, the size proportion of the pink and the blue circle will be preserved and they can be used in one brush.


[4] Creating drawing tools without using images

Tools that draw simple lines, such as pens and pencils, can be created by simply adjusting the options and without using images for the brush tip.


① Create a sub-tool using the procedure from point [2] “Creating drawing tools using images” and then use (2) “Create a new Sub Tool".

② With the created sub tool selected, select the [Sub Tool Detail] palette → [Brush tip] → [Circle]..


After this, as with the brush using the image, set the options and register the initial settings.


[5] Exporting the data

You can export the sub tool data as a file.


Select the tool to export from the [Sub Tool] palette, and then right click the selection to choose [Export Sub Tool].


The exported file will be saved in the [.sut] file format.



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