Easy Complete Water Tutorial




| 1 | Introduction

Hi! In this lengthy tutorial I will show you in detail how to approach the creation of water.

We will start with a basic understanding of how to draw and color water and we will end with creation a complete illustration.


Are you ready?!

Let's go!

| 2 | Simple water scene

We start by choosing a simple color for out water.

I chose color: #78BDCC


Fill your page with the color!

The next step is to create the basic shapes for our lines.

I used the Pen tool to add a wobbly circle in the center.

From there, I drew all the extra lines to create tiny puzzle pieces.


Create a new later and lower the opacity so that it is not pure white.

The next step will be where our wiggles get their detail.

Connect the lines together by adding smaller lines in between them.

Aside from this, vary the line thickness of the puzzle pieces to create the idea of motion.

Duplicate the layer and set it to MULTIPLY. Move it below the white lines and increase its size.

Then move it so that the lines move next to each other.

Add a new layer on top of everything and set to ADD GLOW.

Choose a spot opposite the darker lines and add a bright light source.

Draw a circle and use the BLEND brush to blend it out across the surface.

Repeat the last step and add a smaller circle on top of the white splash to create a strong reflection.

The last step is to add a few small spheres of light to the water.

Add them in random places and vary their sizes.

Use the BLUR tool to blend them in the water.

| 3 | Swimming pool

Let's take it up a notch and create something more difficult. The next exercise focusses on the importance of relfection AND where to put it in relation to us and the light source.


Use the color code from | 1 | or select a slightly different one. Then color your canvas.

Now, choose a lighter color and smudge it over the canvas at the bottom and near the top.

Using a darker color, add a zigzag pattern.

Make sure to blend it with the lighter colors using different shades.

To recreate the tiles at the bottom, add the first set if lines.

water distorts the light from under it, so we need to make sure that the line is wiggly.

Add a second layer of darker color on top of the darkened colors already in the image.

We also need to add the first light reflections. Add a few light smudges to the left of the image.

Add a new layer and add the second set of white reflection. Make sure to use a soft brush to create them

Now ad an ADD GLOW layer and choose a vibrant blue color.

Brush in a few smudges around the white areas and across the image.

The waves are next. Add a new layer and use the PEN and the BRUSH tool to make the highlight parts of the small waves. Make sure to concentrate them around the white smudges to make sure we keep the reflection in one place.

One more layer of waves will complete the highlights. Use different brushes to add some variety to your lines.

The last step is to add a last layer of extra dark color to create a stronger contrast

| 4 | Under water fun: colorgrading

Choose a nice green color. When you feel comfortable enough, choose any color you like.

Add a gradient to the water. I used a darker green for the bottom and a lighter for the top. Always work on new layers when you add new details!

Then Blend them randomly to get this effect of motion inside the water.

Using the SOFT BRUSH, color in some randome dark and white colors in your drawing. Then blend them to unify the water.

Using an EFFECT BRUSH or any brush you prefer, draw circles scattered around your water. This will give the idea of bubbles in the water. Gasses are released from the bottom forming these bubbles which rise to the surface of the water. DON'T forget to BLUR them!

Repeat with more centralized bubbles. making them clearer will give the idea that they are closer to us.

Use the steps in exercise one to create the surface of the water.

Color over the surface lines with a slightly brighter color. The difference is subtle, but we will repeat this step a few times. The text in the image doesn't change, but the brighter areas inside the lines will. The subtle difference will be interpreted by your brain to empahsise the idea of waves in the water.

Using a new layer, add white to the waves and blur them. With the next steps, this will create a nice effect for the viewer!

Now add the darker green to the ripples on a seperate layer. This will be the refractiong of light visibile through the water surface.

Using a line of bolbs and bubbles to the edge of our ripples, we can indicate that this is the point where out "camera" crosses te surface of the water and is now looking below the surface.

Let's make some bubbles! Using a medium to light color, draw a few bubbles in the water.

Add highlight to the top and the bottom of the bubble. Light refracts and is bend in water AND in bubbles.

Then add the shadow part using a dark green color.

Light is a powerful thing to experience. Let's add some godrays into breaking through the water surface and decorating the water blow it.

Use a SOFT BRUSH and draw a few skewed lines into the water. I repeated this step once to highlight specific parts of the rays. Use the following 2 images to help you!

Allow the second layer to breach the surfce slightly.

Last step: Add the body of the bubble on a new layer underneath the bog bubbles.

How? Super easy: We repeat all the steps but on a smaller scale.

Add white to create a blob. Blur it and use the FINGERTIP tool to move it around. Then add some smaller bubbles around the edges!



Now, let's put all of these things together and make a complete illustration! Let's go!




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