How to make a basic frame border 1




[1] Setting crop marks/default borders


■ 1. Creating a new canvas


First, create a new canvas for comics with “Create new”.

Select the [File] menu → [New], and open the [New] dialogue.


Select [Comic] or [Fanzine] from [Use of work] in the [New] dialogue.


Specify the binding (cropped border) size and bleed border width in [Manga draft settings].


A canvas with crop marks and a default border will be displayed.

The canvas will be larger than the specified book binding (cropped border) size.


[Point: How to specify the default border (inner) size when creating a new canvas.]

Select [Show all comic settings] from [Use of work] in the [New] dialogue.

Set the default border (inner).

On how to change settings, refer to [■ 2. Changing crop marks/default border settings].

  • [Show all settings] is aimed towards more advanced users. Beginners are recommended to create new files from [Comic].





■ 2. Changing crop marks/default border settings


When changing the size and position of crop marks or the default border, select the [View] menu → [Crop mark/Default border settings], and change the [Crop mark/Default border settings] dialogue’s values.


By clicking the [Set size] in “default border”, the default border setting method can be selected from the following: [Set size] and [Set margin].


When setting with [Set size], the default border is created based on a specified width and height from the center of the canvas. By changing the [X offset] and [Y offset] values, the middle point of the default border can be moved a specified distance from the center of the canvas.


When adjusting with [Set margin], the size of the default border is set based on specified vertical and horizontal distances from the cropped border.

[Top], [Bottom], [Gutter] and [Fore-edge] will be displayed. These are terms used in book binding, and each correspond to the top of the page, the bottom, the edge that will be bound, and the edge parallel to the gutter.

When a new file is created, [Top], [Bottom], [Gutter] and [Fore-edge] each set the top, bottom, right, and left default border’s positions.


When CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX’s page management function is used, the position of the gutter and fore-edge will switch depending on the position of the page.


[2] Creating the basic frame borders

As an example, we will create a frame border for the draft below.





■ 1. Creating a frame border folder


Select [Frame Border folder] from [Layer] → [New Layer].

Set the line width and anti-aliasing from the displayed [New frame folder] dialogue.

① Name: Set the name of the new frame border folder.

②Draw border: When selected, borders will automatically be added to newly drawn frame borders. The frame border settings can also be set later.

③Line width: The border line’s width can be set. The used units will follow the [File] → [Preferences] → [Ruler/Unit] → [Unit] settings.

④Anti-aliasing: The border line’s anti-aliasing can be set. For manga that will be published or bound, set this to [None].

The specified frame border lines will be drawn along the default border, and a [Frame Border folder] will be created.





■ 2. Using framing templates


Frame borders can also be made from materials.


By dragging and dropping the framing template material in the [Material] window → [Manga Material] → [Framing template] onto the canvas, a frame border that fits the default border will be drawn.


After a border line, or a border in the frame border folder is selected with the [Object] sub tool, its thickness can be changed with the [Brush size] value in the [Tool Property] palette.


[POINT: Using a page template when creating a new canvas]

By using a page template from the [New] dialogue, frame borders can be placed when creating a canvas.

Check [Template].

Select a page template from the [Template]dialogue, and click the [OK] button.

Other than a common 1- 4 rowed manga page panel layout, other page templates for 4 panel manga are also pre-installed.

After selecting a template and creating a canvas, frame borders will already be created.



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