How to add shadows





Imagine the artificial light. Knowing what kind of light that creates the shadow is very important in drawing shadow. That way, you will know where the direction of the shadow should be drawn which is against that specific light source. Train your eyes to see like an artist, let us start by you imagining a light bulb at the middle of your drawing.

Image titled Draw a Shadow Step 2


Draw eight circles around the imaginary light bulb. These circles will serve as the subjects of your drawing. This way, you will see how the light source affected the shadow based on where the subject was placed.

Image titled Draw a Shadow Step 3


Use your pencil to add shadows on the circles. Draw harder or darker lines on the circles to show the shadows. The shadows are the shades within clear boundaries or the subject that receive no or little light. Use hatching or crosshatching while trying to show the shades. Make sure that you don’t let any shade go out of the circle. The darker areas should be the areas that are against the light source.

Image titled Draw a Shadow Step 4


Show the light areas. Use your eraser to show the light areas. This is to emphasize that the light areas are conforming to the light source or to make it simple, the light is bouncing from the artificial light to the subject that is facing the light source.

Image titled Draw a Shadow Step 5


Start showing the cast shadow. Always remember that the shadow is against light. So when a subject is placed beside a light source, the shadow should show on the surface where the light is blocked by the subject. Again, keep in mind where the subject is placed to know where the cast shadow should be drawn.

Image titled Draw a Shadow Step 6


Smudge the farther area of the cast shadow. Use your finger to smudge the farthest areas on the cast shadow. This effect shows that the cast shadow is far from the light.

Image titled Draw a Shadow Step 7


Add darker shades on the nearer areas. This is to show shadowing effects. The nearer the cast shadow on the boundary line of the subject, the less transparent the cast shadow should be.




Hope this information was useful.



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