Tips on: How to make a Movie Poster




#ClipStudioTips2024 #PosterIllustration #MonthlyTIPS202406


Hello, my name is Sonjrake. My theme is Poster-style illustration, I will teach you how to make a Movie Poster. Mainly the genre I’m doing is action and drama-style movie posters. If that is not the style you're going for, still feel free to follow through with the tutorial. Your design does not have to be the same as mine. Keep in mind that anyone can be an artist. Art is all about being creative and letting your imagination flow freely. So pick up your stylus pens, and draw to your heart's content.

Tutorial video:

Click the link to view the tutorial, and please enjoy :

Guide Sketch:

Draft Sketch:

Line Art:

Line Art with Chain:

Adding Base Coat:

Adding Flat Colors:

Adding Shading and Light:

Adding Highlights and Reflections:

Adding Rim Light:

Final Result:

Thank You, and hope you enjoyed the tutorial. Blessing!!!



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