Character Costume Design Ideas & Pleated Shading





Today I want to share common pleat patterns and ideas for designing character clothes.

Clothes material & fit


First of all, you need to understand that clothes are made of different materials.

The expression method will be different depending on the material.


For example, the suit jacket below

can be found in the same state

Thick materials have relatively few shadows

Thin or smooth material

Relatively many shadows

in almost the same posture

You can also see the shadows created by the thick suit jacket

Relatively few shadows compared to material smoothness

And smooth material coats produce longer shadow extensions

The difference caused by different materials can also be seen from the reference of shirts.

Shirts made of harder materials produce harder shadow contours

like a triangle shape

Shirts made of softer materials produce a more oval silhouette.

Clothes will also have overlapping and draping


Next is the version

Different versions produce different effects


Like narrow-fitting clothes

The wrinkles produced are basically related to the direction of the muscles.

In addition to the wrinkles caused by muscle movements, wide clothes are also affected by gravity.



common folds

Here are some common folds

long pleats

It is a wrinkle produced by the fulcrum and gravity.

The shadow part is shaped like a triangle

And in the case of two fulcrums

For example, the action of lifting a skirt

The shadowed areas in the middle will meet

The two sides maintain the triangle shape like a single pivot point

squeeze folds

Often occurs at joint extrusions

The characteristic of this kind of folds is that they are gentle and rich at the same time.

stacked pleats

Wrinkles created by stacking fabric

The characteristic is that there will be contour lines on both sides

stack of shapes like brackets



The above are the common folds

It is recommended that you can find reference pictures to practice

Remember not to try to paint all the shadows

Make appropriate trade-offs

Remember that everything is based on the service screen.

Coloring demonstration

Here is a simple demonstration

First draw a rough line drawing of the background color

The next step is to draw the shadow of the overall large shape

Draw deeper shadows within the shadow of large shapes

Finally, add the occlusion shadow (the deepest part of the shadow) and highlights and you're almost done.

clothing design ideas

Here I want to share ideas for designing clothes

My suggestion is to design your character’s background and personality

For example, I want to design a cute girl in a loli style

I could set the background in the 19th century

Then you can start thinking about what kind of pattern and material you want.

This time I want to design dresses.

I want the material to be softer

Once you have a clear direction, you can look for references

You can find your favorite designs from different references

and incorporate it into your own design

Then draw a rough sketch

Next, it’s about the elements

In terms of elements, I wanted to add lace and hems because of the style.

There are many materials available on clip studio paint

Very convenient

I can directly use the material to draw where I want to place it

Below are the materials I used

After the clothes are roughly designed,

I will redraw the line drawing and make adjustments at the same time


When coloring, I will use the character’s personality as the criterion for color selection.

For example, if you have a sweet personality, you can choose a lighter or warmer color.

If you have a relatively gloomy personality, you can choose cooler colors.

Once you decide on the color you want, paint it and you’re done.

The above is my sharing

Thank you for watching

Hope it helps

See you next time~



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