How to Draw a Watercolor Dessert




Hello everyone

In this month’s teaching

I will share how to paint desserts like hand drawn watercolor style

There are also recommended brushes

Without further ado, let’s get started!


I will find some reference pictures before drawing

This will be of great help to the drawing process

I also recommend this to everyone



First make a rough draft

In this part, just pay attention to whether you have grasped the shape well.

★ Remember to flip it horizontally to see if the model is crooked

background color

The next step is to lay down the base color

Here are the brushes I use

Color in circles

Try to complete it in one go

Otherwise, there will be traces at the connection when overlapping.

At this time, you can use the blur brush to blur out the traces


This is the brush I used this time


Just choose a brush with texture.

This will look richer

Color the areas where you want to enhance the highlights and shadows

You can choose warm colors

This will look more appetizing

Paving a large area can increase the level

There is no requirement to complete it in one stroke here

On the contrary, some overlapping textures will look more like watercolor.

Here is a small demonstration picture

★ Note: even if you want to brighten, don’t use white

Add detail and color

Just choose a brush with a watercolor border

The purpose of this step is to increase the amount of information and make the screen look rich.

You can add some colors with higher saturation to make the picture less monotonous.

For example, I added some reddish color to the syrup

You can take advantage of the overlapping properties of brush watercolor borders

Make it look more hand-drawn

Draw some embellishments on the cake body to show the air holes of the waffle.

Add details

This step of drawing is basically the same.

★ When you are almost done drawing, you can turn off the draft so that it will not affect the coloring.

Highlights & Sculpting

The last step is to draw the brightest part of the picture and do some finishing touches.

Usually in this step I will redraw the line

This is done!


Here's a little trick

Cool colors can be added around the edges

Make the picture look more transparent

These are the steps I took to draw the dessert

Just remember these steps and other desserts can be drawn too!

Fruit demonstration

Fruits often seen on desserts

All can be done using the same steps

I hope my sharing can help everyone

See you next time :)


Here is a link to the brushes I use



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