How to locate and make use CSP assets tools




Hello dear,

It's your neighborhood friendly guideline here one again with another helpful guiding tutorial article on the course titled:


How to locate and make use CSP assets tools


Get ready to get your mind blow literally, Ha ha ha... Just kidding or am I.

Now, On today's course I would like for use to look at one CSP handful tools which was made for us artist to make our art process easier and less stressful, But do to so lack of understanding the assets tools has not been well utilize by most artist due to some reasons or the other.


Like for some artists the consider the use of assets as a way of cheating or even being lazy.


But I am here to correct that notion, for the use of asset tools doesn't mean you are lazy or that the work isn't yours, asset tools are created other CSP users, for artists to utilize it for what it was created for, like for example a adding detail information to a subject in a scene such as the adding of cross stitching pattern (assets material) to a t- shirt among many other.


◾What do we understand by assets tools [?]

Assets are things from brushes to 3D models that are created by CSP users and put up for download and use by other users to make the illustration impactful and creation process easier.


Asset tools allows Clip Studio users to share and buy materials like 3D objects, 3D figures, gradients, Sub tool brushes, 2D characters, 2D images, auto actions and more. This is a brief guide on how to use the service.


• How to Open CSP Assets

Start by opening the Clip Studio Paint software, create a new canvas,


The click on Window > Material > Material [All Materials]


The Material mini will then appear where we can locate the various settings of Asset material available.


• Various downloadable new asset materials from CLIP STUDIO PAINT asset store

Over the years of using CSP software, I have come to learn of two ways to which I can get to the asset materials whenever I want to download any material,

~ The first process: locating the asset materials from the CSP software [Home] page

For the aspect before we open the CSP software, first need to turn on our network, so as when we open the software the software login to the CSP website and bring asset materials from the asset store site onto the CSP software and as we click on the one we want,


we will then be redirected to asset store where we can Like the material, make it favorite to help promote the creator of the asset material and then Click the Download button.


A mini box will pop up to confirm if you to download the material willing to make the pay 10 clippy tokens which is the fee for this asset material,


Although some most of the assets are free, some may require you to purchase with either GOLD or Clippy token.


So I will just click [Get with 10 clipped token] green box to download this asset material.



~ The second process: locating the asset materials from the CSP [asset store website] page

Start by Opening the CSP software, create a new canvas, click on the Window > Material > Material [All Materials]> then tap on the [Clip studio paint logo] in the material dashboard.


We will then be redirected to our brower from the CSP software to the CSP Assets website where we can locate the different sets of materials which can be downloaded.


But before we can go further to try to download any of the asset materials, we first must make sure that we have our email account LOGIN IN to both the CSP software and as well their assets site as shown below with my own account.


As old users, I do believe we already do know that and it may not be new information to us but as for the sake of those who maybe new to using CLIP STUDIO PAINT may not know about this and that why the aspect is specially for the (Newbies).



• Registering a Clip Studio paint Account (For new CSP users)

Firstly, start by clicking on the [Sign In] button on the top right corner,


A new Sign up page will then be displayed.


Go through the Follow the instructions carefully, also Check your email and verify that email you are providing is yours, then go ahead and.


Once you are done with the [registration process], you as NEW USER now have your Clip Studio paint account created, you can now then isgo ahead and Login it in through the Clip Studio app. You may have to click Assets on the sidebar.



• Downloading process of a new Assets

All you just need to when ever you want an Asset material is to go to the CSP asset website as previous explained above, then type in the search engine box what you are searching for which in my case [Flower material],

click on the [filter] button this will then Sort all the material type and bring out all the assets materials with a flower setting.



Tap on the material you want,


A new page will appear where can Like the material, make it favorite and then Click the Download button.


A mini box will pop up to confirm if you to download the material willing to make the pay 500 clippy tokens which is the fee for this asset material,


Afterwards, we will again be redirected to the CSP software where the asset materials will then start to download and when finish successfully,


We can then easily locate it in the [Download folder] located in [Materials].


Clip Studio will automatically install all assets downloaded through their site. It's very easy and you will not need to manually install any materials.

Before we dive into learning how to use the various assets materials, I would like for us to get to know the types of assets Material CLIP STUDIO PAINT has in their disposal.

◾ Types of assets tools and how they are applied onto the work on a canvas

Now, asset tools are all known as asset materials as well and this asset tools or CSP materials as well can now call them are divided into two types which is as follows;

1. Image materials,

2. Brush materials,

3. Gradients materials,

4. Auto action materials.


Now this various assets materials can be located and used differently.

◾ Ways to which I can use the various CSP Assets to my advantage in improve my illustration

As I have previously mentioned Asset tools are use in adding final effective details to ones work, so now I will be showing the various ways which I add the various assets to my illustration to make my illustration more details making my work faster and easier.



1. How I make use of my Image asset materials

This are sets Asset material known as (Image materials) which can be loaded into the Material dashboard box and can be dragged onto the canvas from the Material dashboard box.

(This sets of image materials ranges of the Monochromatic or color pattern, 2D background images, speech balloons, 3D drawing figures, 3D Objects and among many other Materials located in the [Material] dashboard)




~ Use of (3D models) asset tool

3D models are one of Clip Studio Paint (CSP) asset features that is used to help artists with drawing and posing characters in unique ways.


You can customize the body shape of the 3D models to fit the character you're drawing from muscular to slim or even chubby character.


As a CSP user using the 3D model, you can also pose the models by dragging their limbs and the continuous use 3D models in CSP helps you as an artist to improve our understanding of body anatomy and perspective varying from human, hybrids creatures to even animals.


Now, the use of 3D models has been discussed over the years in various activities. so in today's tutorial article, I just want to briefly illaberate or build up on existing ones,


To create unique character with the 3D model,

start by opening the [Material]>[3D model]> then drag the pose you want onto the canvas,


Reduce the [Opacity] of the 3D model Layer to 30% and enable the [Layer color] setting it to blue color.


Using another set of the CSP asset materials (called the Pencil Sub tool), draw out the line art of the character Using the 3D model as a guiding tool and then set the blending mode of Line art Layer to [Multiply].


On another newly created layer below the Line art layer, add the colors of the character using the different set [Sub tool asset material already in the CSP software].


And with that we now have a character to work with,



~ Use of (Monochrome or colored patterns) asset tool

Start by using an already downloaded asset called the selection sub tool which can be located in the [Selected Sub tool dashboard], Using that of the selection pen select skirt of the character,


Create a new folder> Open the [material] dashboard> in all materials folder are various settings of assets materials but in the case we just want the color pattern assets material, drag one of the patterns which in the case is the [dress 06] onto the canvas, it will create its own layer, click on the [clipping icon] to clip the folder to the bottom layer.


Say you are not satisfied with the above pattern assets material, they are different similar sets of pattern designs [dress(02), dress(03) and dress(10)] in your arsenal you can choice from all coming from the same already downloaded asset material.


Create a new layer by clicking on the [create new Raster layer] and then merge the new created layer to the pattern layer below it.


Now with the pattern layer now converted to a Raster layer, select the [Liquify sub tool] located the [Selected Sub tool] dashboard, drag the bottom part of the the characters skirt to the right in the direction of the below arrows show in the below image which refers the skirt is been blown by the wind and by doing this makes the character look more realistic.


Next, change the blending mode of the [folder] which the pattern asset material is inside to [Linear burn].


With that, we now have uniquely detailed our character and as we can see below, the before appearance, the in-between appearance and finally the after appearance of the character.



~ Use of (Speech balloons) asset tool

As artists using CSP, the Speech Balloons asset tool can be use in Clip Studio Paint to create custom speech bubbles for your comics. This tool allows you to add personality and dialogue to your characters which can be done done by doing the following:


Open the [Material]>[Manga material: balloon]> select the speech balloon you want in the dashboard and drag it onto the canvas location you want it, it will create its own new layer as shown in the [Layer] dashboard.


And their you have it, the illustration now have a dialogue attached to it.


Moving on…

~ Use of 2D (Background image) asset tool

This are sets of already made 2D Background Image asset tool in Clip Studio Paint allows you to quickly add pre-made backgrounds to your artwork. You can find a variety of backgrounds in the CSP asset store or you can create your own converting it to an asset material. The use of this particular asset tool can save you time and effort when creating your illustration artwork.


Now let me show how I detail my background and foreground elements or scenes will less effort.

Start by Opening the [Material]> [Background]> [MM08-cloud 42] drag the cloud asset material onto the canvas also making sure that it's [Layer] is below all the previous created [Layer] and using the [Object Sub tool], we can easily adjust the position and size of the imported material.


Now we are not done yet, let's add a building to this piece by repeat the same above process but this time adding a building instead with it's own place [Layer] above the clouds layer, enable the Layer color and set it to t a pinkish color or any color you want and on another layer below the building line art using the Lasso fill tool add a flat color to the building.


With the above done we are done adding details to the background of the illustration,

Now for adding of details to the Foreground,

Repeating the same import process previously mentioned, import a leaf onto the canvas from the [Material] dashboard and also making sure that the Layer of the leaf is placed above all the above previously mentioned layer.


Create another new Raster layer above the leaf layer, clip the the new layer to the leaf layer, add some greenish colors to the leaf using the [Real oil sketch sub tool] and make sure to set the blending mode of the layer to [Multiply].


Afterwards, duplicate the leaf layer by firstly long pressing the leaf layer and selecting the [duplicate layer] option,



Click on [Filter]>[Blur]>[Gaussian Blur],


A mini dashboard will appear with some selection options, set the [Strength] to 7.50% and then click on the [OK] button.


Following that,

Open the [Material]>[Brush]> select both the grass C9 and grass C3 drag then onto the canvas and place them above the character,


We can also try to add some colors to this sets of tress branches but I just feel like liking them in their original whitish colors.

And here you have it, the finish illustration which did not take much time or effort to create with the aid of asset materials.

2. How I make use of my Brush asset materials to add finishing touches

This are sets of asset materials which is classified as (Sub tools brushes) can be loaded into the sub tool palette and used for various purposes like sketching, drawing, inking and among other,

(This sets of brush materials ranges or comprises of the pen, pencil, marker and among many other sub tool brushes located in the [Selected Sub tool] dashboard).


~ Use of (pencil, marker and other painting) Sub tool brushes

As I have previously mentioned, the asset materials can easily help us artists in everything but for this case the sets of CSP asset Materials can be used in sketch, and inking or coloring our idea concept character.


Now with the character in our mind sketch out and colored, we move on to detailing the character also use any sets of the Sub tool brush called the decoration Sub tool brushes which in this case are the following:


Polygon selection - Lace decoration - Eraser - Button - Thin chains - beads chains - Clover Sub tools.

~ Use of the (Polygon selection, Lace decoration and the Eraser ) sub tool


I do advise before you do the below do make you duplicated a copy of the illustration first to avoid any regrets later on for any reason.

Now, Start by first either merging the different layers of you created character into a single flat layer, of you know that you do not plan to add any thing to the background or Midground layers.


To flatten the image just long press on any layer in the [Layer] dashboard section, a mini dashboard will then be displayed, click on the [Flatten image] option which will turn all the various layers into one layer.




Or we can just export the illustration onto our gallery by clicking on the [Export] icon,


Following that import the illustration back to the canvas by clicking on the [File] > [create new from photo library],


The gallery dashboard will then appear, select the export illustration image,


The imported image will now have a new illustration and a new layer allocated to it.


With the character image now on one layer, use the [Polygon selection] Sub tool brush locate in the selected Sub tool dashboard on the left hand side, select the areas we want to add details to which in this case is the hands of the female character,


Now, say we can not locate the [Sub tool dashboard] on the left hand side, we can enable it by doing the following:


[Window]>[Sub tool]

But if it already enable please do skip the part


Now, I select the sub tool which in this case is the [Lace Sub tool] located in the Selected Sub tool dashboard on the left hand side,


Create two raster layer in folder located in the [Layer] dashboard, for the first layer adjust the size of your Lace Sub tool to 200%, meanwhile on the second layer adjust the Lace Sub tool to 250% making sure it is bigger than the first layer sub tool brush size.


Next, use the eraser sub tool to the unwanted parts of the add lace and make sure to set the blending mode of the Folder Layer the lace design is on to [Hard light].


Now, repeat this same process for that of the left hand side by [selecting the area's needed]>[Adding the Lace]>[erase the unwanted areas]>[then Lastly, set the lace layer blending mode to High light].


~ Adding of Button Sub tool as a finishing touches

Go to the [ Selected Sub tool] dashboard, select the [Button] Sub tool and add some buttons to the shirts of the character placing the layer of the buttons above the layers of the shirt, use the eraser sub erase the parts of the buttons you do not want to show.



~ Adding of beads and thin chains Sub tool as a finishing touches

Also, Go to the [ Selected Sub tool] dashboard, select the [Button] Sub tool and using the thin chain Sub tool draw a curvy chain around the neck of the character, using the bead sub tool now add three beads at the bottom of the chains indicated as 2.


use the eraser sub tool erase the edges of the thin chain indicated as 1 & 3 in the image below to give the chain a kind of fading effect.


Next …

~ Adding of Clover Sub tool as a finishing touches

Also this Sub tool is located in the [Selected Sub tool] dashboard, it is called the clover Sub tool, I use it to add some sense of butterfly effects to both the flowers and the characters as well.


And with that I am done with added of my detail touches, it is that easy and faster as well, and in the below image is the before image and now the after image.



Thanks to everyone who has gone through this article, I do try as much to breakdown everything I did know on the use of Asset materials, I just hope you were able to at least grap something from today's tutorial, for now bid everyone Ado… until next time, bye-bye.


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