Tips on Drawing on Phone | no stylus
October 2021
Tips of the Month
Out of the Tips posted between Oct 1 and 31, 2021, the writers of the following will be rewarded a cash prize or GOLD!
The themes for the 30th round were How to Watercolor Digitally, Finger Painting with your Smartphone, and Drawing Futuristic Cityscapes. How to Watercolor Digitally received many Tips on expressing this traditional medium digitally. You can find a variety of valuable techniques on blending colors and how to use watercolor brushes and textures. The Finger Painting with your Smartphone topic inspired us to draw on our commutes, with many guides showing readers how to draw beautiful lines with their fingers and which settings to use for the best smartphone drawing experience. Drawing Futuristic Cityscapes was full of Tips on how to get the most out of rulers and blending modes to create breathtaking nighttime skylines! We are now accepting submissions for November's themes and looking forward to your posts!
Video Award
This article and video package introduced how to set up and draw with Clip Studio Paint on a smartphone when using it for the first time. We would be delighted if we ended up drawing as beautifully as the illustrations in the guide. If you haven’t drawn on your smartphone before, start from Chapter 1, but if you’re already familiar with it, start with Chapter 5. Note: pen pressure when using your fingers is only compatible with certain smartphones.
This article, as well as explaining the smartphone app screen, also shows some good digital-only drawing bits and pieces, including how to set up your app to draw clean lines and manage your layers. It also guides you through installing the app, making it the ultimate beginners’ guide for drawing on a smartphone!
Gold Award
This Tip answers the question: How can I make my digital art look like a traditional watercolor painting? All the techniques and tools you might use to make your art look traditional are clearly explained. In particular, the Watercolor Wash sections were easy to understand and showed how to make the best use of brushes and edges to create realistic watercolor effects.
This Tip on using digital drawing techniques to create a convincing watercolor character illustration is explained in great detail. We thought that the way the author drew lines, chose colors to fit the watercolor style, and the way they built up the character's skin tones made it stand out as one we want to refer back to later. The materials used at the end were also a nice touch!
Silver Award
Making use of textures and watercolor brushes, this Tip shows the process of creating watercolor-style illustrations. As well as explaining each brushes’ features, the animated gifs show significant bits like how to apply highlights and shadows and made this article extremely easy to follow!
This Tip shows how to make animations with a lovely watercolor touch! The screenshots clearly explain how to separate your drawing layers and what to do at each step. By following this guide, you’ll find that making complex animations becomes a lot less intimidating!
This guide shows you how to use vector layers and the line correction tool, indispensable for drawing on smartphones. There are animated gifs for each step of the drawing process, so you can see how to draw and edit your lines as you go. Halloween may have passed, but we’re sure this one will make you want to start drawing cute characters in time for the holiday season!
In this guide, you’ll learn how to draw a futuristic city using Perspective and Symmetrical rulers. There are loads of tips on how to go about choosing neon colors that pop against a dark background. We thought that using the transform function to paint the buildings was a very creative way to make use of the app’s features!
Want to design your own original bustling city? This guide shows you how to use perspective rulers, grids, and vector layers to efficiently create detailed urban designs with precision.
Bronze Award
Giving away US$10,000 every month!
Submit your "TIPS of the Month" and earn a reward!
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials our users have to offer, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes! Winning entries will be selected from tutorials covering the chosen themes on Clip Studio Tips, based on various factors such as novelty, range of use, usefulness, and views.