my favourite layer property features for comic creation
August 2023
Tips of the Month
The themes this time were "Pencil drawings in Clip Studio Paint," "Favorite Layer Property features," and "Prop design for fantasy drawings." We are now accepting submissions for September's themes and looking forward to your posts!
The writers of the following Tips posted between August 1 to 31, 2023 will be rewarded a cash prize or Gold points!

Video Award
We recommend this video if you want to make the most out of the Layer Property palette when creating color comics. This wonderful tutorial uses comic examples to showcase the Border Effect for different results and efficient drawing, the Watercolor Edge to draw landscapes, and tones to create pattern effects.

Gold Award
This Tip is for creators who want to use the Layer Property palette more, but aren't sure where to start. Check out the many examples to learn about the functions and how to use them for each of the 14 layer types!

Silver Award
Find drawing tips and explanations for Clip Studio Paint's Pencil tool here with this TIPS. It introduces how to neatly mix colors in Clip Studio Paint from the fundamentals of mixing colored pencils, while also including references to the Sub Tool Detail palette.
Plenty of easy-to-understand examples introduce the Layer Property palette in this tutorial. The features are explained using examples in a user-friendly way. It was also enjoyable to see how you can create backgrounds using line extraction, as well as the use of tones for adding texture to an illustration.
This Tip introduces how to make props for fantasy illustrations. It explains everything from assembling an object using 3D primitives in the Material palette to adding textures. Even the most complicated shapes and ornaments can be easily created using 3D materials.
Touching on the various Layer Property palette functions, this Tip explains each characteristic in detail and with advice on how to use them in your art. Examples include changing the layer color, border effects, tone effects, and more. You don't want to miss this helpful tutorial!
Read about techniques to finish off your illustration. Make your illustration stand out and pop by using border effects and tones, or draw out a watercolor effect with Watercolor Edge. Learn about these and other Layer Property palette techniques right away.
This tutorial explains how to reproduce the texture of real colored pencils in combination with digital features alongside carefully drawn illustrations. From paper selection, recommended brushes, effective drawing techniques, and more, this TIPS is full of helpful information for artists who want to recreate the gentle look of traditional drawing materials.

Bronze Award
Giving away US$10,000 every month!
Submit your "TIPS of the Month" and earn a reward!
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials our users have to offer, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes! Winning entries will be selected from tutorials covering the chosen themes on Clip Studio Tips, based on various factors such as novelty, range of use, usefulness, and views.