Painting a Gothic Artwork!

3 676



[A] Introduction

Hey there, I'm AzzouBK and in today's tutorial we're checking out a topic that is a little foreign to me. So please join me in this journey where we'll learn about the Gothic architecture!

Note: This tutorial focuses mainly only on the interior design!

[B] Materials

References of gothic interior include things like:

-Tall pillars with pointy arches.

-Super cool windows with stained glass.


-Picture frames.

-Vases on tables.

-Stairs and staircases.


-Carpets and intricately designed floors...etc.

Do your research! Do I even have to say this? lol

I recommend you practice by drawing at least one shape of each element.

I used the "Symmetrical Ruler" for drawing most of these, more on that later...







and a Carpet! Haha

[C] Ornaments

The Gothic architecture is renowned for its variety of shapes and gorgeously designed ornaments!


I was astonished by the insane amount of details on the Doors, Walls, Pillars, Windows, Chairs... Literally everywhere!

That work must've taken them ages...

Here's are some designs I made:

These were done with the Symmetry Ruler which is a great tool, Because not only does is it ensure perfectly mirrored lines, but it's also so much fun to use!

I used the "Symmetrical Ruler" for drawing the Pillars as well.

Just set the number of lines to 2...

Feel free to experiment with the numbers to get different results!

[D] Concept art

After gathering a lot of references, I immediately had an idea for the composition I want..

"A top view wide-angle shot" of a character in a large hall, emphasizing on how big everything is compared to her...

A scene that's common in games as it's a bit moody and gives off gothic vibes.

So, I started by sketching out the layout of the room and experimenting with the perspectives to get a good composition...

here are some sketches!

And after some minor adjustments, here's the final sketch!

[E] Drawing process

Reduce the sketche's Opacity and keep it on top of your layers as a guide.

After that I laid down the base colors on a new canvas.

Then started shading with very dark colors to keep the focus on the center of the picture.

I then added the main light sources which are the Candles and the Mysterious bright light from the other room "I chose Blue to set it apart from the warm tones of the candles."

Then I just had to render the image by adding more Shadows and Highlights, as well as Reflections.

Starting at large scale details then I zoom in to add smaller details until it looked good!

When you're done, create a new layer and set its blending mode to "Color dodge" and paint over the lights with saturated colors to make everything Glow!

And Done!

[F] Thank you

The End!

Thank you for reading, I hope this was useful.

If you have questions or need any help, feel free to DM me on Instagram: @azzoubk

Stay safe and have a Great day!



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