Advanced Animation Techniques: Animate Like A Pro [CSP EX]

2 669



For Full Time Laps( My Full Process ) ,From Sketch To The Final Result Watch My This Video On You Tube :)

To see Final Composition Watch Below Video.

About Animation

Animation is a complex subject, specially character animation & if you are a beginner, then doing animation will fill like you’re aiming for a moving target. Learning animation is a long way process , because here you have to practice a lot of things every day ,so you can be better in animation. In Animation you can bring all your imaginations to life because,


Animation is the world of imagination and creativity with no boundaries & no limits :)



Misconception About Animation

There is a misconception about animation is that, people thinks that if anyone is able to do drawings then, he/she can do animation also right?


Answer is a huge NOO…


Because, [Animation ≠ Illustrations]

[Animation = Movement ]



Most beginners watch the process of making animation on you tube, from sketch to final composition, then they try themselves to make animation like that but they fail to do that. Their animation looks choppy and so weird . Why this happened ? they have watch the tutorial right ?


This is because they have watch the tutorial ,but in reality beginners don’t know how that animation was made .There is so many things that is happening in animation process. Beginners can’t animate because they lack the understanding of 12 principles of motion in animation.

Summery ( Misconception Of Animation )

Animation is a completely different skill set that takes time & lot of practice to be able to do animations. You must know the 12 principles of motions so you could do better animation :)

Let's Animate :)

Setting up animation canvas

For this animation I’m using Clip Studio Paint EX . CSP EX version have all the features you need from creating comics, manga, illustrations to creating animations.It’s have unlimited features :)


Clip Studio Paint PRO is good for illustrations and comics, and it’s have limited features.

To create your animation canvas go to [ File ] > [ New]

This window will po up , click on the video icon and click OK to create an animation canvas.

Tittle safe area- This is the border line, under this line you have to draw all your drawings , final result will show only what insides this border line. If you uncheck this , you can draw on full canvas now, but I like to work with this tittle safe are :)

This is what animation canvas interface looks like. You can choose your dimensions according to your need. This is a example of square canvas , from preset options it’s have other options like 1920*1280 dimensions. You can write your dimensions manually also :)

On the left side, you have your canvas settings & On the right side you have your time settings

This is what your animation canvas looks like

If you can’t see your timeline , go to [ Windows ] > [ [ Timeline(x) ]

Now this is the full interface of your animation canvas. Read below for the basics options of animation interface:)

Animation Process

So what are the 12 Principles of Animation?

  • Squashandstretch

  • Anticipation

  • Staging

    • Straight-aheadactionandpose-to-pose

    • Followthroughandoverlappingaction

  • Easing

  • Arc

  • Secondaryaction

  • Timing

  • Exaggeration

  • Soliddrawing

  • Appeal

These are the 12 principles of motion, and here I’ll use 4 of them to animate my character. You don’t need to apply all these principles in your animation . But you should know all the principles , because these principles often use in according to different kind of actions.


If I’ll start to explain all these principles here ,it’ll be so long . So these are the quick overview of the 4 principles that I’m going to use :)

4 principles

Now Let's Animate

Vector Vs Raster Layer

Before drawing your clean line art you should know where to draw your clean drawings.


Vector Layer- vector layers record the start point, end point, and curvature of each line. When you zoom in the image it never looses it’s information no matter how big you make them. This layer also allows you to edit lines that have already been drawn.


Raster Layer- Raster layer is made of of pixels , so when you zoom in your image it looses it’s information. Standard raster layers record a layer's information using pixels.


Tip- Use vector layer for line art ,this will help you to work with more efficiently and this will save your lot of time in line art.


For coloring use raster layer, because in vector layer you can’t use fill bucket tool for coloring. This layer will help you to do fast coloring.

1. Key poses

Key poses are the story telling drawings , these drawings will give you a idea about what action your character is going to do. So draw your key poses first:)

These are my key poses

this blue line is called arc, you can mark your timing in this line as shown in the above 4 principles example :)

Tip - Use Arcs as a guide for dynamic motions :)


Tip -

More Inbetweens = Slow motion (less spacing between key drawings )


Less Inbetweens = Fast Motion ( more spacing betweens key drawings )

During inbetweens I’m also using 4 principles of motion about which I was talking about :)

Tip - While doing Inbetweens turn on onion skin.

Note - I’m doing inbetweens according to my arc and timing.

I have use easing also , you may scared by looking this LOL :)

Below you’re seeing is the full inbetweens and all the principles have used here :)

This phase of animation is so overwhelming .

3. Base Color

After finishing all your drwaings and inbetweens, add base color to all your drawings

4.Flat Color & Shading

After finishing base color add your flat colors & do shading.

For better coloring you can study about color theory.

Tip - Use clip to layer below option so your colors won’t go outside of your base color :)

coloring and shading

After finishing all your coloring process, you can export your animation now :)

Export Animation

To export your animation go to [ File ] > [ Export animation(Y) ] > [ Movie… ]


you can export your animation as a GIF also.

Final Result

After finishing all coloring process and after making background ,this is the final animation now :)

Before coloring

Final Animation

I have added sound effect in my animation, you can checkout on my YT video :)

I hope you like this animation , if I have made any mistake in this tip, then let me know & excuse me, I’ll try better next time :)



I hope this tip was help full to you , if this was help full for you then I’m so glad that I could help :)

Thank You :)



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