Poster Illustration For Beginners

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About Tutorial

Hi, everyone welcomes to my tutorial. In this tutorial I’m going to share my methods of making poster illustrations. If you’re a beginner, then you can follow these steps to make your poster illustrations. Posters are used in films, animation, webtoon etc.



Choose Your Topic

First you should know for which topic you are making poster illustrations, is it for sci-Fi, action, drama, comedy, adventure? According to this you have to choose your color palate. Your character and your colors will express what type of poster you’re going to make.


Let’s see how to make poster illustration with the example. I’m using clip studio paint EX but you can make this with CSP PRO version also.

Setting Up Canvas

Clip Studio Paint already have the canvas for making posters, so don’t worry about where you’ll find the canvas for poster.


To make a poster canvas , go to [File]> [New] then this window will pop up, you have to click on this flower made paper icon, then click on custom , you’ll see different kinds of canvas. Choose the 11th No. Option . Postcard(100x148mm)

A window like this will pop up,

Click on post card, you’ll see different types of canvas settings like B4, B5, A4, A5 etc. You can work on any canvas according to your need . I’m working on A4, click on this then click ok. Now you’re ready to make your poster

Choose Your Topic

My character is a hero who is a tech genius, he is so intelligent and friendly. With the help of his intelligence, he always saves his city from bad guys and monsters.


Topic Of My Poster - CAPATIAN TECH

Genre - Action / Sci-Fi

Choosing Color Palate

For the sci-fi feeling I’m going to choose blue color as my main color. Here is some guide about colors that express different types of feelings


Blue- Trust, security, calm,

Red - power, danger,

Orange and Yellow - Energy, Happy, Friendly

This is a little info about colors for more info you can do research about colors on internet.

Sketch out your Idea

Sketch your idea according to your character. My character is a tech genius so I’m going to design my poster according to that.

Buildings in the background show the city of the main character.

According to your character make the BG which describes the character and the story.

Like my character is a hero who is tech genius and save the city from the bad guys and criminals, so I add the buildings in the BG to show the city of character and I, make a hologram keyboard in foreground to describe that my character is a tech genius.

Pro Tip - Keep everything simple, because we don’t want to add the things which doesn’t describe our character and our story. Stay to the point and less is more


Now let’s color our illustration. I color my character first , as my main them color is blue I’m going color my entire poster with them blue. Don’t use too many colors, use limited colors so that your poster can describe your character and story.

Then I add details in my BG and I make little dots like particle which describes the hologram tech

Finishing Touches

Then I add finishing touches by adding lighting and shadow

Add Text

Clip studio paint have text option to add text, there you have tons of fonts which you can use this for your tittle of your poster. Recently they have added circular text which is amazing. You can also download and export your favorite fonts from a free website.

I add my text and using add(glow mode) on a new layer , using air brush I add lighting effect on my text

Final Result

This was a beginner tutorial so that everyone can learn how to make your own posters. I hope this tutorial was help full for you , now go and make your own unique poster and tell your audience how interesting is your story through your poster




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