How to Paint Appetizing Food





Hello! My name is Yaoja and this is my first time making a tutorial here on clip studio paint. I have made a small tutorial on my process of making foods. In this tutorial we will be making ramen and tiramisu cake. Keep in mind I am not an expert at drawing foods this has just been a process that I found I am comfortable with and suits my style of art.


I hope this tutorial is useful to some of you as I am also technically a beginner artist myself trying to learn new ways and methods to improve myself.

Step 1: Planning & Sketching

Before you start any drawing you must have an idea of what you want to draw first. When you have decided on what you want to draw you should then do some research on that food. Find images of the food and study them such as their shape, colors toppings, etc. heck even the tableware that the food is on. Another thing I do is I find reference photos to use for my drawings. When finding references be sure to pay attention to the angle of the photos. The angle is very important since it determines the perspective of the drawing. Do not be ashamed of using references for your drawings. Researching and using references are very important and drawing will be a lot harder without references. Some people say using references is cheating and to that I say it is not instead it is a way to help you form the basic foundations of your drawing.


Here are my sketches for the two foods I am making Ramen & Cake:

From the references I had my ramen sketch was at an Overhead angle which shows more of the ramen. For the cake it was drawn at a 3/4 angle showing more of the sides than the top side. When I drew these sketches I use the lighter pencil at size 20. The pencil itself is soft and the texture is really good to use for sketching in my opinion. As you can see my sketches are messy which is okay that is how sketches should be. Sketches are supposed to be messy and they are done very quickly to formulate an idea. They should not be heavily focused on to be as detailed as possible. I only focused on making the shape of the of the food and the toppings included in them.

Step 2: LineArt

For the line I am using the G-Pen Size 15. Again, I am not perfect and that is shown in the lineart for the ramen noodles. For that lineart it was not precise and thus it has caused some problems when filling it with base colors. When doing lineart you want your lines to be smooth and consistent. Your lines need to have confidence behind it. Use your arm, not your wrist, so you can make long strokes. You don't want to inch with lineart or else when you start filling in your lines with colors you will errors and you will have to fill them in manually.


Below is the lineart for the two foods I have sketched out. Notice the one on the left is more sketch like while the one on the right is more precise. Your want your lineart to be like the one on the right smooth and consistent.

Step 3: Base Colors

(Just to let you guys know the Ramen Drawing and the Cake drawing were made in two separate files so the layers are not merged together I just had it like this bc it is easier to show.)


So for base colors I basically put them all on one layer. I create a new layer under the Lineart Layer and then I use the fill tool to fill in the spaces of the artwork detailed by the lineart. This way we can fill in the shapes easily saving us time from having to paint it ourselves. I also show you guys the difference between have solid and bold lineart vs having light lineart. This is important to filling in your base colors.

As you can see with solid Lineart the space is filled neatly. Howveer with the light lineart you have errors when filling in the colors with he fill tool. You have rough edges and inconsistent filling for the base colors.

Step 4: Shading

Now we start shading. In this portion I did not have a color palette prepared. I chose the colors myself base on how the food looked in my reference photo. You have to train your eyes to determine the colors you will use.


The shading will focus on using different hues and saturations or colors. We will also be using different Blending Modes such as Multiply, Overlay, and Add (GLOW). Do not be afraid to use multiple layers! My layers are listed as so for the ramen drawing:


• Base Color -> Filling in the spaces with basic colors

• Bowl Shading -> Shading for the Bowl

• Large Condiment Shading -> Shading for the Large Condiments

• Condiments -> Noodles, Fishcake, Scallions, and Sesame seeds

• Condiment Glow (Add GLOW) -> Highlights for the condiments

• Overall Shadows (Multiply) -> Shadows on the broth and condiments

• Overall Highlights (Overlay) -> Highlights on the broth and condiments

• Final Touches

These layers listed here are similar to the layers for the cake. Overall the layers are self explanatory and Below I will show you guys a the process of how I made my ramen going in order of the layers that I have listed.

Now this is the process of theckae drawing. Keep in mind the layers are just about te same as the layers in the Ramen drawing not much has changed except we drew the plate last because I wasn't able to decide on what tableware the cake should be resting on and the number of layers were reduced because there were not any extra toppings on the cake.


Well that is all everyone I hope you guys enjoyed this small little tutorial that I made. This was my very first one and I will be doing more in the future. I hope I was helpful in teaching a few of you how to draw some delicious food.



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