下次相約吃雞排 (Let's meet to eat chicken) (Reviewer: Glénat)





Contest sponsor Glénat gave detailed advice on the entry,下次相約吃雞排 (Let's meet to eat chicken), for the International Comic/Manga School Contest 2020.


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Pen name: 小玫喵 (Xiaomei)

Country/Region: Taiwan

School: National Taipei University of Education

Language: Chinese (Traditional)


Overall feedback

Page 1

1. Remove the outline from these objects (circled in blue).


2. By limiting the outlines to the characters, you can create contrast with the background.


3. Try making a list of what you want to show, and then adjust the page's characters/background/space to make it easier on the eyes.




Page 2

4. You can draw the character larger and remove the white line to keep it from blending into the background.




Page 3

5. You can add realism relatively easily by referencing real-life signs and their lettering, and spending more time on the backgrounds/props will improve the quality drastically.




Page 4

6. Position-wise, make sure the balloons are easy to follow and read.

*In the current position, the readers will follow the blue arrow.




Page 6

7. Comical and simple drawings can be highlighted by using thicker lines.


8. If you’re going to remove borders, you might as well stick them way out. The panel itself could be bigger too.


9. Be careful not to repeat the same composition as the neighboring panel.




Page 7

10. The emotions of the protagonist could be conveyed more strongly by focusing on the back view, placing them in a dark space, and creating contrast.


11. For important backgrounds, take time to render, even if you need to omit some details.




Page 11

12. Bringing the next page’s “?” here would make the order easier to understand.




Page 12

13. Although it's the last page, same-sized frames fill the screen. You can add contrast by zooming in on the girl's smile.






International Comic/Manga School Contest 2020 Winners




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