Retro Typography Poster Tutorial - Made with Auto Actions
In this tutorial I will show you how to make an interesting retro effect with auto actions!
Decide on your poster size, text and font.
In this tutorial I will be using the canvas size A4 at 144 dpi, and my font Berlin Sans FB Demi. I used the text tool (shortcut T) to write in my text, then stretched it out to fit the page.
After choosing a color for my text I use the Border Effect layer property and set the "thickness of edges" to "2."
Finally I create my auto action.
I press the red button to start recording the auto action.
I first duplicate the layer.
Then I use the move tool to move the text slightly in the direction I want it to move in.
I then go to Layer > Layer Order > Down, so that the duplicated layer goes behind our top layer.
Finally I press "Layer Color" to change the color of our duplicated layer.
Our auto action is finally complete! I press the red square to stop recording it.
Then I press the play button to play the auto action enough times to fill the poster.
For the background I create a fill in mono layer.