Enjoying food Illustration!




Hello! Today, I'm going to picture an excessive breakfast.

Personally, this is my favorite breakfast menu. It's also good for late lunch.

I prepared it because it seems to be quite useful when working on casual illustrations.


2. Fried egg


4. Potato stick

5. Salmon


Even if you proceed with the basic brush, you can follow it without difficulty. :D

Tutorial. sandwich

1. step1. Sketch

First, make the canvas bigger. The larger the picture, the more detailed it is expressed.

Please draw a sketch while thinking of the correct shape.

At first, you can look at pictures of other foods and draw along.

It's okay to use any brush you like when you're doing line art.

Make sure not to use too many lines, as color and description will shape the food.

2. Coloring

Considering the overall color, paint the base color.

We use slightly saturated colors to make the food look delicious.

Tip) However, be careful as it can be burdensome if the saturation is too high.

3. Detail

We proceed by thinking about the unique texture and texture each material has.

The small dotted lines on the shrimp can be depicted by selecting them from the standard airbrush.

There is no big difference in shading because the lighting does not play a large role.

Creates a shadow between the material and the material.

After creating a layer, describe the details.

-Shrimp texture, bacon stripes, tomato shades, lettuce and onions, etc.

4. Finish

Express the reflected light of the tomato and the sesame seeds on the bread.

For the freshness of lettuce, draw small droplets with a white colored pen to give a fresh impression.

I put in small highlights with a casual feel.

5. Effect

Add a layer and change its properties with an overlay.

This is the step of adjusting the color once more after completion.

At this time, raise the temperature of the picture with a color with higher saturation than the color used as the base color.

In general, the stronger the color of the food, the more delicious it looks.


Follow the steps through the GIF below :D

Egg fry

photato stick



speed painting / video



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