Gothic Elements





In this tutorial, I'll be illustrating a stage play; a school teacher having a final rehearsal with her pupils before the presentation to their audiences. This illustration combines characters in different gothic attires and props as well as environment and lights from the likes of the undead to monastery occupying crypts and labyrinths.

Cozumel is a Mexican island in the Caribbean sea known to celebrate the Santa Cruz festival every end of April in honour of the religious power of The Crucifix. In our illustration, the school teacher is guiding her pupils explore extensively beyond the historic festival which share similar elements to their local festival.


First, we draw the poses of the characters matching the roles to be played. Little Santos is playing the role of the undead as well as flying bats from the look of the balloon he holds. Next, Miss Garcia partially attending to the night slayer, Alberto on his wooden horse while holding a sword. She is waiting for the engineer to open the curtain for the background of the crypt to bring the story's setting to life. Next after Alberto is Claudia taking the role of the she-vampire guardian of the crypt. Then Alejandro the ghost who keeps his object of sacrifice in the labyrinth until the full moon. He plays the guitar to unleash the undead against anyone who interferes with their business. Last is Rebecca, the virginal maiden and object of sacrifice to be saved by the night slayer.


We draft the individual characters along with their costumes using the rough pencil tool from the tool palette on a separate layer.

Line Art

Reduce the opacity of the draft layer. Then create a vector layer above the draft's. Use the G-Pen to a brush size of 8 and increase the stabilization of the stroke to 90%.

Some of the line drawings are not drawn in right positions like the division of the hairdo at the middle of the head. Click the eraser and select 'Vector' from the eraser list. Then in the eraser properties Select 'Erase up to intersection' and make sure every checkbox is checked. Apply the eraser cursor on the division and click, the whole line disappears.

For Wacom Tablet Users:


For faster use of the eraser tool, invoke the Wacom Tablet Properties from the Startup Windows list. Then select ClipStudioPaint in the application list. Below is the menu tablet. Select Pen then change the upper button to 'erase' and then close the dialog box.

That makes it easier for us to correct the line art. Finally, we get something like this:

Importing 3D object

The guitar of the ghost is not completed in the line art. Choose to import a 3d model of a guitar.

Do this by clicking File > Import > 3D data(M)...

Select the file from the directory which is an obj format, then hit Open.

It appears lying on the X-axis on a new layer above the line art.

Use the editing tools to position the guitar on the ghost's line art. Make sure Shadow is unchecked and adjust the object scale property to fit the line art as well. Then drag the 3d layer below the line art layer reducing its opacity to 55% for easy tracing. Finally, tweak the line art to fit the guitar.

On the line art layer, trace the guitar. At some point, use the Rotate right and Rotate Left tools to turn the canvas to the desired angle for easy drawing.

Using Rulers

Still on the line art, use the ruler tool as guide.

Click on the ruler icon in the tools palette and select 'Linear ruler' on the Create ruler list which are drawn on the guitar strings that converge at some point on the neck.

Still on the Create ruler list, click Special rulers and on the special ruler properties, select Concentric circle. Click and draw the circle on the circular part of the reference picture. Then chick again to complete. Still with The object selected in the operation list, click on the concentric circle. Adjust the size of the circle using the four square points to fit the reference picture.

Click on the ruler icon on the tools palette. With the Special ruler selected choose Parallel line on the properties list. Draw the lines on the reference picture.

To use the pen tool, select the canvas in the layer then draw on the guides. to switch from the concentric circle guides to the parallel guides, select the rulers in the layer then select object in the Operation list. Click on the parallel guides. Then click on the diamond shape object. The guides turn blue while the concentric guides turn green. Use the pen tool on the parallel guides by clicking the canvas on the layer.

Now the line art is complete.


We'll use the Oil paint color for our illustration.

Select the brush tool on the tools palette. In the sub tool palette, select Oil paint brush > Oil paint. Adjust the brush Size. Pick a color from the Color wheel.


Create a new layer. Drag the layer below the line art layer. We begin with little Santo's romper. We make sure every line is closed.

This time, replace the eraser button on the pen for color picker since Auto select tool is used to avoid color bleeding even if the brush size is too large on the area selected. We'll use many color shades for our illustration.

Invoke the Wacom Tablet Properties from the Startup Windows list. Then select ClipStudioPaint in the application list. Select Pen below the menu tablet. Change the upper button to 'Right click' from the drop - down list. Close the dialog box.

Adding texture

Before completing the coloring of the illustration, there are some parts of the illustration that requires bit of texture such as wooden objects as in the night slayer's horse and sword, the ghost's guitar, the stage floor and to an extent, the object of sacrifice's clothing.

Create a new layer above the color layer. Click on the arrow at the top right corner of the canvas. Expand Monochromatic pattern. In the list select Texture.

Use Auto select tool and select every part of the object concern using Hold Shift + Left click. Once the selection is complete, select and drag the texture pattern of choice to the selection. A new layer is created automatically with the material name above the current layer.

Adjust the scale ratio to reduce or increase the bumpiness of the texture.

To apply color to the textured object, click the visible icon on the layer. The texture disappears. Then select the color layer, and with the brush tool selected, pick the intended color for the object in the color wheel. Use the Auto select tool to select the object. Apply the color.

Any part that is left untouched, deselect the Auto selection and use the brush tool to complete the coloring.


Once the coloring is complete, hit the visible icon of the textured layer.

Here, the coloring is complete.

Shadows and highlights

To add shadows to the illustration, add another layer above the color layer. Change the blending mode to Multiply. Turn on 'Clip at layer below'; this prevents color bleeding and does not necessary need the Auto select tool.

Select the brush tool from the tools palette. With the Oil paint selected, pick a lighter color close to the color used on the object initially. Apply the color in areas where light is not cast.

The shadow is complete.

For the highlight, create another layer. This time a lighter color is used on areas where reflection of light falls.

Final background

For background, we illustrate the stage curtain in a different canvas.

To transfer the illustration to the canvas we've been working, select the rectangular selection in the tools palette. Perform window selection on the canvas. The entire canvas is selected. Go to Edit > Copy.

Click on the working file. On Edit > Paste.

The illustration is now complete.





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