How to Draw Water & Water Magic! Simple Tutorial




Hi, I’m Zari!

In this tutorial, you will learn: how to create a water magic! Same technique you can use for creating regular water.


1. CSP Opaque Watercolor, Dense Watercolor, Smooth Watercolor, Watery Brushes

2. CSP Airbrush


Step 1 Main Water Layer

Create a New Layer.

For drawing water choose [Brush] -> [Watercolor] -> [Opaque Watercolor]

For shaping form I have used brush sizes: 25 px, 50 px, 120px.


Water Shape

Water can get any shape, so be brave to try experiments! Remember that water has weight. Use elasticity, plasticity when drawing shapes.

Step 2 Main Layer Opacity

Put Opacity of Water Layer on 56%.

Step 3 Light Reflection # 1

Make a New Layer.

Create randomly with a [Brush] -> [Watercolor] -> [Dense Watercolor], using different sizes, with a white colour, some reflections.


Step 4 Light Reflection #1 Opacity

Put Opacity of the Light Reflection # 1 on 31%.

Step 5 Light Reflection #1 Smoothing

On the top & some parts of the Light Reflection #1 make smooth edges with [Brush] -> [WaterColor] -> [Smooth Watercolor], using bigger brush, with a white colour.

Step 6 Light Reflection #2

Create a New Layer.

Create randomly with a [Brush] -> [Watercolor] -> [Watery], using different sizes, with a white colour, some reflections.

As this Brush very sensitive, you can create beautiful reflections.


Step 7 Light Reflection # 3

Create a New Layer.

On the tops of water with a bigger Watery Brush create reflections.


Step 8 Light Reflection # 3 Opacity

Change layer opacity on 29%.

Step 9 Light Reflection # 4

Create a New Layer.

Create randomly with a bigger [Airbrush] -> [Soft], with a white colour, some reflections on the tops, middle, where needed, on the most shining parts of water.


Step 10 Light Reflection # 4 Opacity

To see a result, use a darker background.

By need, change opacity of a layer, % of which is more suitable for your background.

My opacity is 77%.


Step 11 Light Reflection # 5

Create a New Layer.

Create randomly with a bigger [Airbrush] -> [Soft], with a [I have used background colour], reflections.


Step 12 Light Reflection # 5 Blending Mode

Put Blending mode on Color Dodge.

Step 13 Light Reflection # 5 Opacity

Change opacity on 39%.

Step 14 Adjustments

With a Watercolor Brushes make some adjustments.

I have used smaller sizes than 25 px [I have used 7 px Dense Watercolor Brush] for main Water Layer.



Thank you for reading!



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