Scheme name creation method




When writing an ordinary name, write a scenario and draw a name directly on a note accordingly.

And, in most cases, you can not draw as it becomes unable to split.

It is the reality that the majority of people are frustrated without being able to make names and make stories and illustrations.


To solve this problem is the creation method of Scorecard type name


All you need is an information card and a place as wide as possible

First of all, all names think that four-frame cartoons are deformed.

Edit the name by converting the four-frame cartoon into a name in the basic form

The original four-frame cartoon


① Write out the entire story to the frame card

② Rearrange the frame cards into four-frame cartoons


The plot of the whole story is also summarized in four frames earlier, and after developing each frame to four-frame comic book, increasing the details, the story is easy to summarize.


① Convert the whole story to a frame and draw it on the card

② Arrange cards in four-frame cartoon

Make one frame → Four frames

③ Combine cards arranged in four-frame cartoon in the form of name → Edit as necessary




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