Steampunk For Beginners




Let's discuss steampunk art! I'm using the tablet version of Clip Studio

Paint (for Android) but this should still be helpful no matter what version

you're using.

Steampunk is fun and creative so I feel that it's a great style for beginners

to practice. In this tip l'Il show you how to create a simple and easy steampunk illustration.

Let's start with a steampunk style airship. Create a new file and adjust your canvas to 1800 × 2400 or something of a similar proportion. I recommend choosing a higher resolution, personally I chose 600 dpi.

Now let's outline the basic shape of our ship or balloon. I used the elipse tool and filled it in, then added the ribs and started shading. I'll also start to blend where I've highlighted and shaded. I used a textured blender to give it an antique look.

Once I was satisfied with my blending I created a new layer to outline the rest of the ship because I'll be using different colors for those. I did the fins freehand but used the curve and line tool for the bottom portion.

Next, I'll fill and shade the new parts. I've used brown and an orange-red color for the fins. For the metal hull, I've used dark grey, then lighter grey. I've used the painterly blender to give the brushed appearance of metal.

For the fins I used a smooth blender. Notice how much better the left side looks compared to the right.

Now let's start to add details. Remember to create a new layer, especially for new colors unless you want to blend them. You can always combine layers but you can't separate. I'm adding some submarine style windows to the hull. Create two sets of circles as shown, then fill the smallest with blue. Next add a darker blue around the bottom edge and some white around the top, then blend. Notice how the window on the left looks more realistic while the window on the right just looks flat. Shading is very important!

Next fill the outer ring with a grey slightly lighter than the hull so it stands out. When you use the fill tool, you'll often need to touch up or use the blur tool to get rid of any gaps. When youe finished, go back and add some rivets (dots) around the windows.

Let's add a turbine or engine to our air ship! (Remember to create a new layer for this part)

I've used the figure tools to help me outline the dimensions on the engine. Notice how two of the edges are curved.

Fill the space then add some slightly darker grey around the bottom and white at the top. Make sure it's subtle but still visible. I've added a strip and more rivets to the edge, as well as some pipes. For those I used the continuous curve tool.

Finally we're to the finishing process! Start to go around each edge and examine to ensure they're even and you've blended properly. You may need to decrease the blender size to get in the tight spaces. You may also need to use the eraser if any color is outside the lines. You can decrease the opacity of the color layer (but not the outline layer) to make sure you're on track, then change it back when you've finished.

For the background I filled it with blue then used the spray tool to add some variation in the blue. Lastly I added some white clouds with the cloud sub tool made by CSP.

Our airship is complete! Although it's a simple design we've still created something interesting and definitely steampunk.



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